Chapter 47

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Henrik's POV

When we leave Tyson and Rhett's house, we decide to go for a short walk, because we don't have anything important to do for now.

"Do you want to have kids?" Easton asks me a while later, and I think for a while, because I'm not really sure if I actually want them, even though I do like kids.

"I guess that we should have at least two." I say with a shrug.

"We don't have to have any kids if you don't want them." Weston says, and I laugh loudly.

"Just say that you don't want to have any kids, instead of trying to make me say that I don't want to have them." I tell him, and Weston rolls his eyes.

"He's just scared of them." Easton says, and Weston glares at him.

"Alright." I say, and I put my hand on Weston and Easton's shoulders, to make sure that they won't start fighting or something.

Weston decided to not argue back, and I silently thank him with a kiss, which makes him smirk, and Easton groans when he sees that I don't intend to kiss him too.

"And what about me?" He asks.

"You shouldn't have tried to start an argument." I tell him. "If you will be a bit more kind for the next few minutes, then I will think about kissing you too." I say, and he just lets out a sigh in frustration, but he nods in agreement.

We walk in silence for a while longer, but then I start to feel sick, and not much later, I realise that I will be sick.

So, I leave my mates, and I run towards the bushes that are closest to me, before I throw up.

Weston and Easton run towards me to make sure that I alright, and when I feel a bit better, they decide to take me to the pack house.

I really hope that I won't be ill again, because it was one of the worst things that I had to go through, and I don't think that I will be able to stay inside for a week again.

When we reach the pack hospital, I let my mates tell he doctor about what happened, and then I go to one of the hospital rooms, before I lay down on the bed.

Not much later, the doctor and my mates follow me, and the doctor does the ultrasound.

"Well, I guess that soon there will be another boy in this pack." He tells us after a while of silence.

"It will be a girl." I tell him with a look that dares him to argue.

It makes him laugh, and my mates laugh too.

I guess that it's not very possible for me to have a girl, since all of the people in my family are men, but I still hope that we will be the first ones to have a girl.

We thank the doctor, and we take the ultrasound pictures that he gives us, before we walk back to the house.

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