Chapter 38

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Easton's POV

When I wake up, I feel weird, and I quickly realise that there's something in my pants, so I stand up and I take them off.

I see some silk, which makes me frown, but I decide to wash them before someone will see it.

Thankfully it didn't get out of my pants, because it would have been hard to wash the whole bed without anyone noticing.

I have no idea what that is, but I guess that it shouldn't be there.

When the pants are clean, I throw them on the other clothes that are waiting to be washed, and the I wash myself, before I put some clean clothes on.

I decide to sit on the bed for a while, hoping that someone will come here, but no one does, and I lose my patience, so I go downstairs, hoping that I won't fall from the stairs.

I'm a bit dizzy, but I manage to safely reach the living room, and I can see that Weston and Henrik are sitting here, so I sit next to them.

"What happened last night?" I ask them. "I can't remember anything." I say, and my head hurts when I even try to think about it.

They look at each other, and it seems that they're trying to silently decide if they should tell me or not.

So, I glare at them, making sure that they know that I won't let them keep anything from me, at least not if it's about me.

"You don't want to know." Henrik tells me.

"I want to know." I say sternly.

Henrik looks at Weston again, although this time he looks like he's begging him to tell me, so he won't have to do it.

"Well, we were having a family night, and you got a heat, but no one noticed before you went into the woods." Weston tells me, and I nod reluctantly.

I wouldn't have believed him, if not the fact that I just saw it for myself.

I try to ask him how that's possible, but he puts his hand up to stop me from talking, before he continues.

"And unfortunately, someone found you, before we managed to do that." He tells me sadly.

I already know what he means, and by the pack laws that person didn't do anything wrong.

Because not many people who aren't mated are able to control themselves when they smell that someone's in heat.

In some pack's they're even considered the victims.

"Don't worry, Denver won't do anything to you for being outside of the house while you had a heat, even though it's not legal in our pack.

That's because you're not an Omega, and you shouldn't even have a heat, so there was no way for you to know that you will have a heat." Henrik explains, and I nod in acknowledgement.

"By the way, the doctor told us to make sure that you will go to the pack hospital for a while, so he can see why you were having a heat.

But we're assuming that it's because your body's getting used to the fact that you don't have a womb anymore." Henrik says, and I nod slightly.

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