Chapter 30

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Weston's POV

I lay I the couch, and I look at the wound on my stomach, while my hand gently touches the scar.

I really can't believe that I was pregnant, and that I had to kill the kid, but I keep reminding myself that I wasn't ment to carry a kid, and that makes it a little less frustrating.

I definitely would have kept this kid, if they had even the slightest chance to survive, but that wasn't the case, and I have to deal with it.

I think that it would have been worse if had just miscarried, and to be honest I'm glad that I won't have to carry the kid after all.

Just the thought of it makes me scared, so I doubt that I would have been feeling well if I had to go through with the pregnancy.

Thankfully, we already checked if Henrik has a womb, and it turned out that he does, so we will be able to have kids.

But we will have to wait until the Moon Goddess will decide that it's our time, and for now we can enjoy the quietness.

Henrik had to babysitter a few kids a while ago, so Easton and I helped him, and I honestly didn't expect that it will be that hard to take care of a few kids.

But it was pretty hard, although we were lucky that Henrik knows what to do, because I doubt that all the kids would have survived if they had to stay just with me and my brother.

I'm lost in my thoughts enough to not realise that someone enters the room, but I look up when someone else touches my scar, startling me slightly.

It turns out that it's Easton, and he doesn't look at me, he's gaze stays at the scar.

"Would you be alright with carrying a kid?" He asks me curiously.

"I'm not sure." I tell him. "And you?" I ask him, and he shakes his head without hesitation.

"Definitely not." He says. "I mean, I don't really want Henrik to go through the pregnancy, and I guess that I would have prefferd to do it myself instead of making him do it.

But I can't say that I would have wanted to carry any kids." Easton say, and I nod in acknowledgement.

"At least the scars don't look as terrible as I thought that they will look like, although I would have preferred if they could just disappear." I tell him and he chuckles.

"I like that now we look a bit different, but I doubt that it will help a lot, because neither of us walks without the shirt outside of the house." He tells me and I nod.

He shows me his scar, and I groan when I see that it's not as bad as mine.

"Your scar looks a lot better than mine." I say and he agrees with me which makes me glare at him playfully.

"You're supposed to say that it's not truth, to make me feel better." I tell him and he laughs.

"I don't like lying." He tells me, and I roll my eyes a him, mostly because it's definitely not the truth.

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