Christmas with the tatums - Jayson T.

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📍Target4:49 pm

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4:49 pm

Y/n POV 💘

"Your total will be 56.20" I handed the cashier 3 $20 bills and grabbed my bags. "Keep the change" I smiled and walked out of the store.

Tomorrow is Christmas Day and I decided to do some last minute shopping for the boys. I continued walking the mall doing some more shopping for a couple of hours.

📍 At Home
7:35 pm

I walked in the house setting down my bags. I left the gift bags in the garage don't worry.

"MOMMY" deuce ran in and hugged me. I picked him up and kissed his forehead. "Hi duecyyy, where's daddy?" I said smiling at him as he played with his fingers.

"Daddy is playing the game with uncle Steph" he says as I put him down and he grabs onto my hand. We walk to the kitchen and I sit him on the counter in front of me.

"noodles?" He tilts his head to the side waiting on me for an answer.

"maybe later deucy, mommy is tired." I said grabbing some grapes out the fridge and giving some to him. Soon we head footsteps coming from around the corner.

"hey baby" jayson kisses my lips and ruffles deuces hair. "Hey daddy stop your gonna mess up my hair" deuce crosses his arms.

I chuckle and pick deuce up off the counter. "Ok time to get ready for bed sweet boy" me and deuce head off up the stairs while jayson warms up his left overs from last night.

"will Santa come tonight mommy." Deuce rubs his eyes indicating he is sleepy. "He sure will baby boy, and he will bring you all of your presents tomorrow morning."

"I hope I get a iPad" he cheeses really hard as I put him down to find his pjs.

"Let's hope Santa brought you one."

⏭️ Christmas Morning
9:47 am

"wake up deucy it's Christmas!" I shook deuce slightly to wake him up. "morning mommy" he replied back sitting up and stretching.

"Morning my sweet boy, you ready to open presents?" I grinned at him rubbing his tummy.

"yea" he replied

"Ok let's get you washed up and downstairs.

I picked deuce up and we headed to his bathroom. I ran him a warm bath and put bubbles and toys in there.

"Ok bath time deucy"

After deuce's shower I put his red plaid pjs on and we went downstairs, where jayson was making pancakes.

"Morning daddy" deuce jumped down from my arms, hugging his pa's legs.

"Morning D, ready to open gifts?" He picked him up holding his on his side.

"Mhm" deucy shook his head rapidly.

"Ok bae let's open gifts then we can eat." I sped up Jayson.

Me and jay sat on the couch, while deuce sat on the floor next to the tree. I sipped on my mug of coffee while deuce grabbed any gift he saw.

"This says to daddy from mommy" deuce put his hands out with the gift giving it to Jayson.

"You got me something?" He said scrunching his eyebrows up at me. "Yea I wanted to, plus you deserve it" I smiled, he kissed me on my lips then proceeded to open his gift.

Jayson opened his gift to reveal a envelope. "What's this?" He asked pushed his head back a little.

"Open it boy duh" I chuckled then rolled my eyes. Jayson read the card out loud.

"Hey baby it's me y/n, I just wanted to say thank you for how much you do for me and deucy, we appreciate it a lot. So in return me and you are taking a trip to Bora Bora. Love you so much bae
                                         Love - y/n"

"awww mommy made daddy cryyy" deuce giggled going to hug his dad.

"I love you too baby" he wiped under his eyes and hugged me giving me a passionate kiss on my lips.

For the rest of morning we opened gifts and enjoyed each other's presence. Jayson got me a necklace with me and my mom in it. I cried very hard after that.

Deuce got a bunch of new trucks and lots of clothing. After we ate pancakes and fruit while watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.


Request are opennnn 🌚🌚🌚

please let me know who you want read about cause I know a lot but not a lot feel me?

mani out 😊

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