Pregnancy - Bronny J.

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📍 Saint Louis Hospital 2:39 am

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📍 Saint Louis Hospital
2:39 am

"One more push baby then a lifetime of happiness" my mom stood over my shaking body from pushing out a big headed baby.

"I can't mommy" I said crying even more feeling more pain.

"Yes you can baby, you can and you will" she stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Ok miss jackson one more big push for me" the doctor said tapping my leg as i inhaled mad air.

I pushed really hard so i can get this over with.

4 more pushes later ⏭️

I heard loud cries after a long time of pushing over and over again.

"You did it baby" my mom said now crying.

I chuckled mid cry looking over on the other side of me at bronny on the couch with his eyes still closed and a water cup in his hand.

He passed out when he seen my vagina at 10 cm big. I guess it prolly is scary.

"you ok bae" I said laughing at him little. He looked over at me sweating and nodded his head.

"Im sorry I wanted to hold your hand but it was a lot" he said coming over to me as my mom went to sit down because she been standing forever now.

I seen a flash real quick when I looked it was my mom smiling at her phone.

"Did you really take a picture" I chuckled a little because I was still in pain.

"yes this is a wonderful moment" she said going to sit down.

"I love you" bronny said kissing my lips

"I love you too my love" i said doing a tight lipped smile.

"miss Jackson is there a name for your baby boy." The nurse came in with a clipboard.

"Sincere Kai James" I smiled at the nurse then looked at bronny who was already smiling back.

"aw I love that name" my mom said making puppy eyes at us then smiling.

I looked at my baby in the crib thingy just smiling. I have a family now...

 I have a family now

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•daliwali sincere Kai James born on January 8th 2023 @ 3:01 am💙

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daliwali sincere Kai James born on January 8th 2023 @ 3:01 am💙.

Bronnyjames my happiness🖤
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Mikey nba here comes baby james👏🏾
↪️ lmao chilll

User028 that baby finna be 7'0 😂
↪️user274 nah wordddd


Request finna close soon unless I need more ideas but they still open til further notice.

Y'all think I need do more bronny and lamelo ? Cause I barely did a bronny or lamelo type shi.

mani out 🛼

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