basketball game - Bronny J.

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"bsfff please comeee" my best friend naja (nay-ja) kept begging me to come this basketball game with her

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"bsfff please comeee" my best friend naja (nay-ja) kept begging me to come this basketball game with her. Apparently her man mikey Williams will be playing, and she bought two tickets.

"omg fine" I slammed my text book close. I was backed up on a ton of school work, and naja wasn't making it any better by dragging me out to unnecessary events.

"yayy thank you so much I love you best friend" she jumped up and down smiling from ear to ear. "what am I even supposed to wear to a basketball game.

"Something cute and warm cause lord knows it's brick asf outside." She rolled her eyes and sat at my vanity desk.

I hoped up and went into my closet. I wanted something simple but warm, I really wasn't there to impress nobody.

"'Hurry up y/n the game is gonna start in like 30 mins." She whined as she rushed me.

"Ok ok damn" I rolled my eyes as I put on a pair of leggings and my black puffer with my uggs.

"Ok ok damn" I rolled my eyes as I put on a pair of leggings and my black puffer with my uggs

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"Ok im ready" I turned the light off and and grabbed my keys. Me and naja got in my car and we made our way to the arena.

"Damn it's packed as a moutha fucker." Naja said looking out her window at all the cars. I tried to find parking but it's sucks out here in Cali.

Eventually we finally found parking. Me and naj got out and made our way to the entrance. After about 15-20 we finally got snacks and made it to our seats.

"im excited to see my man" naja screamed in my ear. "Bitch my ear drums" I held onto my ears hoping it would open back up.

"Sorry I just get to see him play after so long. Bitch yk he even slid up on my story one time." She grabbed my arm.

"ow. But what did he say" I opened my bag of purple Doritos and ate one.

"It doesn't matter it's the point he slid uppp" she shook me like a lunatic.

"girl shake me one more time, im leaving yo ass here." I said side eyeing her aggressively.

"ok jeez" she said slouching in her sit like a child.

20 mins went by and the game finally started. The man on the monitor called out basketball players names as they came onto the court.

The announcer called Mikey's name and he came out omto the court. The fans went crazy, including naja.

"bitch he is sooo fineeee ughh" she fan girled as usual.

The announcer then called another name that I didn't know but he was very cute.

"girl you drooling." Naja looked at me in confusion. "Bitch im not drooling im watching the game." I said defending myself knowing she was gonna start assuming.

"ouuu y/n has a crush on bronnyyyy" she hit me playfully in my arm. One thing about naja is she he very handsy. She like touching and hitting, everything a child does.

"no I don't, I don't even know him to be drooling" I said shrugging my shoulders eating more chips.

The man in the announcer came back on and the buzzer went off indicating the game has started.

⏭️ End of the Game

"Mikey said meet him on the court" naja said putting her purse on her shoulder.

"ugh I thought we was done here" I groaned and rolled my eyes. I just wanted to get back to my school work.

Me and naj made our way down the bleachers after the gym mostly cleared out.

"waddup" mikey jogged over her side hugging her. I just watched from a distance.

"Hey, this my friend y/n" she introduced us. I waved and he nodded back.

"yo, my friend the brown skin one over there thought you was cute." He said then pointing to someone standing near the locker room.

The figure nodded over here and soon he was walking to us.

As the figure got closer i noticed it was the cute brownskin basketball player.



Pt.2 soon

Request are open js lmkkk

mani out 🕺🏾

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