Dead Beat - Jordan T.

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Karmen & Jordan

📍127 Waterview Dr4:43 pm

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📍127 Waterview Dr
4:43 pm

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Nariyah, happy birthday to youuu!"

"Blow out the candles baby" I said to my daughter nariyah who turns 4 today.

My phone began ringing as everyone started talking again and music started back up. "yes."

"im so sorry im on the way now." Jordan spoke with an undefined tone in the phone.

"don't bother. Party is gonna be over soon" i spoke with anger laced in my voice trying to remained calm.

I walked out of the building still with the phone to my ear.

"please kar don't do this please" he said sounding annoyed now. "no because where were you for the last 2-3 hours" i raised my voice.

I was tired of Jordan's shit. Yes we don't work out as a couple but he still has a kid he should be taking care of. That should be his first priority.

"i had shit to do-" he was cut off by me speaking.

"more important than your daughter turning 4 today? Really Jordan?" I scoffed and shook my head like he could see me.

There was silence for a couple of mins.

"get off my phone Jordan I can't believe you" I hung up before he could speak and I went back into the building.

📍 At home.

"goodnight my baby and happy birthday princess" I kissed Riyah's head as she giggled.

I turned the tv on to my little pony and turned the volume down to 4.

"why wasn't daddy here today..." she said before I walked out the room.

I sighed and looked at her.

"idk baby but it doesn't matter because you had the best party today" I said smiling.

"YUP" she shouted cheesing

"ok go to sleep my heart" I said waving at her then closing the door leaving it cracked.

I went down the stairs into the kitchen just trying to clean up before I head to bed when there was a knock at the door.

"who tf?" I scrunched up my face walking to the door and checking the peep hole.

I rolled my eyes ready for the bullshit.

"you got 5 mins." I said not making eye contact with him.

"that's all I need fr" he walked in and sat on the bar stool. "ok so ima apologize first and foremost to you and riyah because i feel bad that i missed her party." He started saying trying to reach for my hand.

I pulled back and crossed my arms for him to speak.

"second Dalia didn't let me come today, and I tried to get her to change her mind but no" he said rubbing his face up and down.

I could tell his new gf was stressing him out. Dalia, Jordan's gf of 3 months hates me for idk what but ion care cause he ain't for me it's for riyah.

"so you listened to her?" I said not listening to any of his bs.

"I tried Karmen you have to believe me" he grabbed my hands and looked me in my eyes. "I would never try anything to hurt you and nariyah, yall are my heart and soul" he said as he tried not to shed tears.

"I understand buts it's best you go home and sleep on this Jordan, I will have riyah's bags ready for you to pick her up this weekend." I said taking my hands back.

His faced dropped and he shook his head and headed towards the door. I locked the door after him and rubbed my temples.

I finished cleaning the kitchen and heated up to my room to start my shower.

I finished cleaning the kitchen and heated up to my room to start my shower

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Liked by jordanlewistucker and 18.4k others
Karmen_: Happy Birthday my baby girl, wishing you more happiness and success😘🩷 @nariyahtucker

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