Baby Shower - Sharife C.

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ZANIWANI | 4 mins ago

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ZANIWANI | 4 mins ago

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As I mingled around to people at the baby shower I suddenly got to the urge to go eat cake. Mind you it was not cake time at all but I got hungry.

I waddled over to my best friend Asia and asked her a question.

"Can you cut me a slice of cake please" I pouted to her quietly.

"girl no" she laughed at me.

I never liked the word no. It wasn't even findable in my dictionary. So her telling me that bad word was rude asf.

"bitch im hungry don't get me tight." I said making my ny accent come out.

Asia mean mugged me and walked away anyways to the cake area. Oh aii she knew better.

I rolled my eyes then sat down back in my seat waiting for my piece of cake to get there.

"you ok sissy" my little sister Amia came over and tapped my leg.

"yup im ok, you having fun baby" I said fixing her skirt.

"yea but papi wants a picture with you" she said pointing at my step dad.

My dad died along time ago when I was just 7 years old. He was shot and died on the way to the hospital. 4-5 years later my mom got a new bf, I met him when I turned 13 at my birthday party and he treated me like his own since then. He reminded me of my dad even though I had little memory of him but I always called him papi.

"Ok let's go take one, come baby" I stood up and fixed my skirt and me and amia made our way to my mom and papi.

"lemme get a picture with my baby girl" he said tucking my hair behind my hair. I smiled at him then we stood infront of the scenario and took multiple pictures.

20 mins later

As I scooped up the last piece of cake I watched as sharife was talking to Jalen about me and the baby. How do I know? I can read lips very well lol.

We made eye contact and my mood changed very quickly. It be the hormones mannn.

I just got really sad and felt like crying but I sucked it up.

"baby don't cry" sharife said sitting in his chair next me giving pecks on my forehead and cheek.

Idk how and I can't tell you how but he knew I was gonna cry. I really do love that man he know me like the back of his hand.

And he stayed with me through my bullshit.

"baeeee I can't but im trying" I started sniffling holding under my eyes to save my makeup.

We heard the mic being taped and we both looked up.

"Hello everyone it's me again Asia. But it is now time to find out the gender of baby cooper." She started clapping making everyone clap as well.

Everyone migrated outside to the basketball court and we all surrounded with me and sharife in the middle.

I got a sudden wave of nervousness, I was wearing blue for boy but I was happy with either or. I wasn't really the type to care for the gender of my baby because I would be happy regardless.

Asia handed sharife the mini basketball and we all did a count down from 10.






Sharife ran up and did a dunk on the basketball hoop and we seen pink smoke pop out making me jump and scream.

Sharife ran up and hugged me while I held onto him crying my eyes out. The rest of my family came and hugged me and saying "congratulations".

I walked inside grabbing a napkin and wiping my eyes to stop crying so much. I got another wave of sadness looking at my pendant of my dad and me when we were little.

The door opened and I looked up seeing sharife walking towards me. He seen me crying and his face softened.

"It's ok ma, he's watching you and smiling." He kissed my plumped and glossy lips which he hates doing.

I did a tight lipped smile and kissed him back.

We heard a wave of loud chattering come back in the building so we went over to the cake and stood there waiting.

"It is now time to cut cake and eat" Asia said into the mic.

"I just wanna say thank yall for coming out to my baby shower I appreciate it so much. I also wanna say thank you to the ones who been helping me on this journey with my first kid. Just one more month yall!" I said handing the mic to sharife for him to say his final blessings.

"She basically summed it all up thank you to everyone for showing up and sharing this moment with us, it was an honor to have yall here and we can't wait for baby girl cooper to get here" he said holding the mic too Asia came to get it.

For the rest of the baby shower we cut cake and ate it while just enjoying the last few moments we had with everyone.

📍 Back at the House

"Thank you so much best friend I really do love and appreciate you" I hugged my best friend who carried in the last bags of gifts with sharife.

"It's all love mamacita im really happy for the both yall and wish yall nothing but the best" she hugged me very tight and we said our goodbyes and good nights.


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mani out 👻

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