basketball game pt.2 - bronny J.

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📍Mikey's House5:20 pm

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📍Mikey's House
5:20 pm

Y/n POV 💘

It's been 1 week since the basketball game. Me and bronny hit off great actually, I thought he would be some overrated basketball boy all the girls fan over.

"Bitch you need to wear something cute" naja said over the phone putting on her lashes.

Bronny was taking me out to eat tonight for our first date. We originally said bowling but I told him I was gonna wear a dress so no.

"i think ima wear my black ankle dress and some heels? Maybe?" I thought about it again before proceeding to to my closet grabbing the clothes and shoes.

I sat the clothes on the bed and went to start the shower. I came back out and grabbed my towel and phone.

"Lemme call after my shower bookie" I said hovering my thumb over the x button.


I hung up after naja said that then went to my 'IT GIRL💗' playlist letting it shuffle. 'Deli by Ice Spice' turned on first, which made me boo my head to the beat as I get in the shower.

⏭️ 30 mins later
6:10 pm

My phone vibrated twice inducing I got a message.

I'll pick you up at 7:30
Reservations at 8

ok getting ready now
Bronny🤍 hearted this message

I sat at my vanity plugging in my flat iron so it could heat up. As I waited for that I started with doing my makeup, only light because I want to look natural.

⏭️Bronny gets here
7:34 pm

"Ma im leaving" I grabbed my keys off the table before leaving out. "Ok be safe my baby and have fun" she replied going back to cleaning the kitchen.

"I locked the door behind me and walked to bronny's car which was parked in the driveway.

he got out and greeted me "you look good" he smiled and hugged me. "And smell good too" he added on

"Thank you" I chucked at the comment.

He walked me around the passenger side and opened my door for me. "Thank you" I smiled at him then got in the car.

He walked around to his side and then got it. He started the car and reversed out the driveway.

"so where we off to" I pulled the mirror down and applied lip gloss and checked my hair.

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