Behind closed doors - Mikey W.

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Angelina (Angie) & Mikey

📍Angelina Mom House 6:57 pm

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📍Angelina Mom House
6:57 pm

"Boy get out" I pushed mikey as he laughed at me.

We just got to my mom house to eat dinner because she said she had something to tell us.

I closed the car door and mikey stopped walking and looked at me crazy. "wtf you looking at" I mugged him.

"why tf you slamming my door, youn pay shit" he pushed my head as I walked in front of him.

"don't be pushing me cause we could bang this shit out right here" I said throwing my set up. He pushed me out the way and I just pushed him back.

"You so childish" he laughed walking to the door.

He knocked on the door and we heard the dogs barking and then footsteps to the door. My sister Isabella opened the door.

"Hey isaaaa" I said happy to see her short ass.

"wassup putaaaa" she hugged me as I hugged back. She side hugged mikey and gave him heart eyes.

Isa always had a crush on mikey at first I thought it was cause yk the boy famous or wtv but then im like bitch back up.

"MAMAAAAA" i shouted for my mom.
"In the kitchen" she semi yelled back. I walked around the corner towards the kitchen and hugged her as she cut up peppers.

"Soooo what you gotta tell us?" I hopped up on the counter as she giggled at my happiness.

Before she could speak the door opened then closed.

"IM HERE PUTAAASSSS" i heard a familiar voice.


"I know that ain't mf jaiani(jay-ahn-ni)" i said to my mom and i side eyed her.

"be fucking nice Angie" my mom rolled her eyes as she put the knife down and went into the living room. I followed behind her because why not.

"Holaaa titiiii" she went over and hugged my mom like everything all lollipops and rainbows, bitch it's not.

Jaiani is my cousin we technically the same age. She older by 3 months but who gave a fuck? Tuh.

Me and her got into beef when she tried to be all over my ex bf 2 yrs ago and got caught and we fought then she moved to Texas.

"how you doing jai" my mom smiled at her as she sat right next to mikey.

"I've been good it's good to be back" she smirked at me saying that.

"oh girl" I rolled my eyes walking away to the kitchen.

"sum you wanted to say?" I heard from the living room so I stopped in my tracks and went right back in there.

"Puta don't get beat up.. again." I said popping my neck.

My mom stood in front of me as mikey watched the whole thing. I tried to jump at her cause she all smirking at me and shit. Ion even play like that puta.

"y'all relax and have a seat" my mom said snapping at us. We act like kids omg.

"Ain't you mikey?" Jaiani said looking over at mikey who was in his phone.

"Yuh" he nodded his head and went back into his phone.

"You wanna give me some pointers on basketball" she smiled at him scooting closer.

Esta perra de culo. (This bum ass bitch)

"Isa where pa?" I tried changing the convo cause ion wanna hear her talk no mo.

Mikey side eyed me and could tell I was annoyed. He knows that ion like this puta, and here she go doing fuck shit.

"Titi can I just tell her cause I wanna see her face when you say it" jai seni yelled to my mom in the kitchen.

we heard shuffling and then my mom appeared in the room and sat in the little couch.

"Fine go but nb attack nb." She said pointing at all of us including mikey.

"I live here now puta" she evilly smiled at me then sat all pretty like I won't buss her lip right now.

"wym you live here?" I mean mugged her and then looked at my mom. My sister did the same.

"so titi ally is moving to New York and jai didn't want to go so I told her she could live here and have her life here. Her mom said it was ok and she is here now." My mom said all together like it was ok.

This shit is fucking ridiculous nb like that fucking bitch and she know it.

Mikey looked between me and my mom.

"mama wtf?" I mugged her cause what?

"Está bien, perra, no volveré a llevar a tu hombre" she blew a kiss at me and at that moment it was up.

I jumped up from the couch and started punching her shit in cause what bitch. Stop allat shit talking.

Now from experience the whole cali know she can't fight... it's common sense like how you got a mouth but can tussle?

She got a few blows to my stomach but that was it. I did her shit in.

My mom was yelling stop and mikey tried to pulled me off her.

"Deja de hablar de toda esa mierda cuando sabes que no puedes luchar contra tu zorra." (Stop talking all that shit when you know you can't fight you slut.) I spit at her as I got pulled off.

"Yall are acting really childish right now. Jaiani go upstairs and start unpacking." My mother said furious with the both of us.

"Ma im sorry but she been doing this sneaky shit since we was 17." I stated my case to defend myself while my sister agreed.

"You have to grow up and be bigger than that. You obviously know she gonna try you and you fell right for it" my mom sighed walking to the kitchen doing something.

She came back with two bowls and they were covered and warm. Im guessing this was our time to go...

"here's yall food go home and think about this Mi hijo" she placed the food in mikey hands. I just stormed out to the car and waited for mikey.


That's it lol.

This was a W den a L

mani out 🎯

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