Teen mom - mikey w.

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"TAVARIOUS GET TF OUT" I shouted at my now ex boyfriend

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"TAVARIOUS GET TF OUT" I shouted at my now ex boyfriend.

Me and him got into a very abusive argument for the third time today. I was so over it for good.

Vari slammed the door I assume he was leaving. That gave me the green light to begin packing my bags.

My phone rung over on the bed I ignored it and continued packing. I had no time to waste, I wanted to get outta here and go somewhere else.

Im 3 months pregnant and idk who the baby father is...




Mikey is my best friend of 6 almost 7 years. 3 months ago me and mikey had sex. It wasn't on purpose, and it was in the best of the moment.

After that we never spoke on it again.

My phone rung again making me sick my teeth going to pick it.

"Hello?" I answered not knowing who it was just placing the phone on the dresser.

"Why I can't see you y/n" mikey said on the other line.

I picked the phone up propping it up against the tv.

"Can you come pick me up." Was all I said, still packing my bags.

"Why? Where vari?" He questioned looking around the camera.

"We got into it again and im done mikey. I can do it anymore" I said clearing my throat for cracking.

"bet." Was all he said before he hung up.

I closed my suitcase grabbing my book bag and placing more stuff in there.

I knew I was gonna have to come back and get the rest but I just needed to leave before tavarious sees me and tried to stop me.

⏭️ mikey gets here

Mikey texts me he's outside, so I carry my suitcase and backpack downstairs first. I head back upstairs grabbing my phone, charger, keys,and my water bottle.

I make my way back downstairs and out the door. Mikey comes out the car helping me with my stuff.

"Thank you" I said shyly. To this day idk why but that thought of mikey makes me become very soft.

The way he treats me and how he's just there for me I like very much about him.

"Anytime" he says smiling then popping the trunk open for my bags.

"Where he go?" He says as I watch him pack my backpack in the trunk as well.

"Idk he just slammed the door and left. Probably off to be a hoe like he is" I said rolling my eyes and getting in the passenger seat.

Mikey climbs in the front and starts the car.

"Where you wanna go." He says pulling out the parking lot.

"Tbh anywhere just away from here" I apply lipgloss to make my face glow a little, because it looks like I've been crying.

"There's something I need to tell you.." me and mikey said at the same time. Then chuckling.

"You first" I said turn my body to look at him, which makes me smile just happy to be here.

"I know this is a bad time and all but I wanted to tell you like you y/n. I been liked you for a while and I was scared to tell you because if you rejected-" I cut mikey off "I like you too mikey"

"Good cause I ain't wanna look dumb" he chuckles pulling into raising canes.

"What can I get for yall today?" The lady worker spoke out the machine box thing.

⏭️back at mikey's house

"Hey sky" I waved to mikeys sister who was otp in the living room.

She waved back at me and me and mikey went up to his room.

"y/n about what I said earlier, I really do like you and I wanted to know if you will be my gf." Mikey grabbed my hand and pulled me in between his legs.

I gently grabbed his face smiling at him. "Yes I'll be your gf mikey."

Mikey kisses my lips for a couple of secs then we pull away.

Omg I totally forgot about the baby...

"Wait mikey there's something I need to say." I pushed back a little.

He looked at me with a concerned look. "Mikey im pregnant...and it's yours" I said pulling my hands back from his and grabbed onto my own arms.

"I- are you for real?" He said with his eyes wide. I start to cry a little and just break down.

"Don't cry ma... it's gonna be ok, I'm not leaving you I will take care of you and my baby." Mikey pulls me onto his lap and I cuddle into his chest.

"Mikey I should've told you earlier but you said you liked me and I totally forgot because of the great day I was having. It's ok if you don't want to be around me anymore." I said crying and crying and crying.

"Shhhh ma, im not gonna leave. I would be dumb as fuck to leave a pretty girl like you. We will book an appointment and see how the baby is doing and how far are you." He said then kissed my head.

Mikey picks us up and carries us to the bed. I felt a blanket cover the lower part of me and his body. Soon after I hear light snores, I look up its mikey sound asleep.

I smile at him then I drift off to sleep.


Requests are opennnnn !!!

mani out 🤍

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