Media - Bronny

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Serenity & Bronny

BRONNYJAMES | 4 mins ago

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BRONNYJAMES | 4 mins ago

BRONNYJAMES | 4 mins ago

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Third person

"BABE" Bronny yelled from upstairs on the game.

"Yes!" Renii yelled back eating her grapes.

"Come here ma" he said.

Serenity got up and walked up the stairs and down the hall to bronny's game room.

"yessssuhhhh" she bursted in the room leaning on top of bronny as he sighed.

"renii for real..." Bronny said taking his headset off.

Serenity could feel bronny's energy so she got up and sat in the bed getting serious. In all seriousness she thought something was wrong.

"What happened babe" she said sitting farther against the bed.

"I wanted to talk to you and be straight forward...I think we should break up." Bronny said turning his focus towards serenity trying to stay focused.

"what? Babe why" serenity's expression changed as she heard his words, lost at why he thinks they should break up.

"I just think that it's not good for our social status and people-" bronny was interrupted by renii talking again.

"so this is about the media?" She jerked her head back.

"No- yes but it's not like that" Bronny rephrased his words.

"No it's cool. If you wanna let the media run us then that's fine. I thought you were different." Renii shook her head in disgust. She got up off the bed beginning to walk out the room til bronny grabbed her arm.

"Wait it's a prank" Bronny bursted out laughing trying to get back serious again.

Serenity mugged Bronny just staring at him. In all reality she wanted to punch him in his face. Cause wtf?

"you annoying asf" renii rolled her eyes and left the room. She headed down the hall and stairs to the living room where she was originally was.

Bronny headed after her sitting next to her.

He grabbed her waist and placed her in on his lap enjoying her facial appearance.

"Say hi to the cameraaaa" he shoved the camera and her face.

"Bronny move." She said watching the tv. "Don't be mad ma it was a prank you really think I would care what the media has to say?" He says looking at her like she was dumb.

"It don't matter now." Serenity grabbed her phone taking pictures of the scene cause she wasn't entirely mad.

"but you can take pictures ?" He smiled at her.


Bronny cut the cameras off focusing on her beauty. She began watching her show again as she just sat in bronny's lap.

Of course Bronny didn't mind so the couple stayed like that for the rest of the evening, eventually falling asleep in the couch tg.


Cute & simple 🙃

mani out 🧍🏾‍♀️

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