Quit ~ Javon F.L.

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Zoe & Javon

📍Zoe&Javon's House (Ontario, Canada)5:10 pm

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📍Zoe&Javon's House (Ontario, Canada)
5:10 pm

Javon sat at the table contemplating on if he should take the offer or not.

Javon had received tons of emails from recruiters and coaches about his last game against the knicks.

Even though they had lost the last quarter Javon threw the ball from one of the court to the other for his teammate to make the lay.

It was all over the internet of how great of an arm Javon had and he should try being a QB (quarterback).

That day Javon went home not sad they lost the game but thinking of what the people were saying.

"Babe take your time and weight out your pros and cons." I wanted Javon to be himself wherever he felt comfortable.

Javon was good at football because he played in the little league (elementary) and 6th grade.

He discovered he was even better at basketball when high schools were asking a 7th grader to play for them.

"idk ma, im good at both sports but switching right now because of my arm would be a lot. Not just for me but for you too." He looked at me slightly smiling.

I smiled back rubbing his arm.

Jovan took a couple of come minutes before he came to conclusion.

"so what is gonna be babe" I stood up pulling my jeans up then going around the table into the kitchen.

"I think im gonna...switch..." he says finally stating it.

I grabbed some water and then turned towards him.

"Well whatever you decide babe im here. And so is your daughter." I rubbed my belly feeling a slight kick.

"Thank you babe" Javon got up and kissed my lips.

We hugged for a few seconds then he smiled at me.

I felt like his comfort place, and I was glad he trusts me.

I knows I'm the end his decision was gonna impact him but I know changing sports was gonna be a lot for both of us.

"I know this is a lot so I will tell the media and coaches tmr while we can have the rest of our afternoon today." He said rubbing my back.

I nodded my head grabbing some grapes out the fridge and heading to the living room.

"Babe grab a blanket so we can watch a movie tg" I said sitting criss cross on the couch.

Javon went upstairs and came back down with a blanket. He sat next to me as he threw the blanket on top of us and I leaned my head against his chest.

We picked a movie and cuddled up together enjoying each others presence.

Shiite and simple

Mani out🤮

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