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I was utterly exhausted and frustrated after all the meetings

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I was utterly exhausted and frustrated after all the meetings. I just wanted to go home and relax. I bid farewell to my colleagues and made my way out of the office.

The people working in my office are so sweet; they manage all the tasks independently.

No one in my office treats their job as a mere 9-to-5 where they have to clock in and out without a smile. Everyone feels like family to me. We all have lunch together. It's like a homey environment in the office.

I left the office and got into my car. I glanced at my watch; it was 5 PM. I had to go to Rian's place (which is basically our hangout spot) where we all meet and chill for hours. I would reach there around 6 PM, as I needed to pick up some cheesecake for everyone on the way.

Just as I was about to start my car, my phone rang. I was delighted to see the name "Kainaat🩷." I answered it quickly."Helloooooooo!" she screamed from the other end.

"Hiii babe," I replied.

"What are your plans for today??? I told you to come meet us all. When are you coming? And also, are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah!! I am perfectly fine. It's just that I had a lot to do at work, you know it's the beginning of this business. And yes, I'm coming to your place around 6 PM." I replied

"Oh okay! Come soon, I have a lot to gossip about!" She said.

"Yaya! Gather up all your gossip, and I'll be there by then."

"Okay, babe."I ended the call, started the car, and drove to Rian's home.

I parked the car outside Rian's house. Sridhi had also called me on the way, letting me know that everyone else had arrived.

I looked in the rearview mirror, fixed my hair, grabbed my phone and the cheesecake pastries, and got out of the car.

I rang the bell.




Why the heck is no one opening the door?

I was about to ring the bell a fourth time when the doorknob turned.

I was ready to yell at whoever opened the door, thinking it might be one of my friends: Kainaat, Sridhi, Rian, or Aayan.

"Where the heck were you guys-" I started to shout, but my voice trailed off when I saw Sidharth.

He looked at me with a confused expression, as if he had encountered a math problem."Are you mad or just extremely eager to meet me?" he said.

"Oh, sorry! I thought it was one of them. I wasn't eager to meet you, nor did I know you were coming today. I was just waiting for a long time, which is why I got a little mad," I replied hastily.

"I don't think 3 minutes and 30 seconds is a really long time," he said.

"You were counting the time? The whole while I was standing here? Are you for real?"

"Yes, I am a real person! And I wasn't counting minutes or seconds. I was baking a cake, and when you rang the first bell, the cake had 3 minutes 30 seconds left to be fully baked. I thought about opening the door once it was done."

"You know you could have actually opened the door and then gone back to the kitchen to watch your cake bake?" I said.

"Yeah, I do! But thank God I didn't. Because now you've stood here for more than 3 minutes and 30 seconds chatting with me."

"I assume you're completely mad. You could have asked someone else to open the door. Now move aside, I need to meet them," I said, trying to make my way through the door he was leaning on.

"Everyone is in the backyard preparing for a barbecue. None of them heard the doorbell," he said while blocking my way with his arm.

"I am really thankful to you, sir, for the precious time you wasted opening the door for me. I am highly grateful. Now, please, can you clear my way so I can meet my beloved friends?" I said sarcastically

."Oh no, no! It was my pleasure holding the door open for you, ma'am!" he replied with equal sarcasm.

I gave him a tight-lipped smile and made my way to the backyard.

'He is just too much to handle,' I thought.

I walked into the backyard and saw both couples laughing, giggling, and hugging each other. They looked so cute.

I took out my phone and snapped a picture of them.As soon as Sridhi saw me, she screamed, "Advikkaaaaaa!!!!" Everyone turned to look at me. Sridhi and Kainaat came running and hugged me from both sides.

The boys came over, and I gave them side hugs."Where have you been all week? I haven't seen my pretty babe for a whole week," Kainaat said.

"I think she's been really busy with her startup. She needs time to organize everything and get used to her routine," Aayan replied, giving me a perfect excuse.

"Oh yeah! He's right. There was so much work; we needed to handle everything perfectly to get more clients and complete orders. You know it's not easy starting a completely new business," I added.

"But why didn't you join your dad's business? I mean, we all did business degrees to take over our dads' businesses. And on top of that, your dad is really successful nationally and internationally. Why not join his business?" Rian asked.

"Actually, I didn't want to take over his business. I want to make a name for myself. I don't want to be known as the daughter of a highly successful businessman. I dream of being called a successful businesswoman," I replied.

"You are really going to be a great businesswoman," Sridhi said thoughtfully.

"Hey everyone, the cake is ready!" a voice came from behind us. It was Sidharth.


𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now