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बेकरार सी थी रातें
बेशुमार तेरी यादें
बेहिसाब है गम ये था मेरा
ब्यासर रही शराबे
बेसाबर ये दिल जो मेरा
बेवकुफ था तेरे बिना

बेकरार सी थी रातें बेशुमार तेरी यादें बेहिसाब है गम ये था मेरा ब्यासर रही शराबे बेसाबर ये दिल जो मेरा बेवकुफ था तेरे बिना______________________________________

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"You need to stay here, around her for her security, I need her protection at any cost !" I ordered my bodyguard.

He was one of the bodyguards I trusted the most. He is the one who unknowingly pointed gun on Advika.
He is with me for 5 years now. And I can completely rely on him for her protection.

Because I am going to Rajasthan today. Where Revansh Rajvansh is. I have tapped his location from his sim. I told my bodyguard about everything that I am going to take the bastards life.

Also , the frogs will be here by 3pm.

It's tweleve already and Advika came out of the shower. Tonight we are all going back together and I need to finish the story of that asshole before we leave.

He has made my heart suffer so much. My baby has not been properly eating something rather than anxiety pills. The anxiety he has given her.

She came out and I was on my phone trying to manage a car. I didn't wanted a cab.

"No sir, I don't think you can rent cars in Rajasthan. " the person on the phone said when my breath stopped.

She removed her towel in front of me, standing naked and wearing her clothes.

Her body????? It's a miracle.

God has given up his most of the time designing the best body in the world and that is hers.

"Then buy one !" I said.

"A new car ?" The voice came from the phone.

"We cannot rent it, that's the only way, buy one and send it to the resort!" I said and hung up.

I stood up from the bed.

Yesterday night, we both slept together, in each other's arms, cuddling and snuggling all long.

I got up and moved towards her. She felt my heavy gaze on her body.

I went to her and stood behind her. I grabbed her waist tightly and she leaned on me.

My hands travelled all the way to her boobs.

Soft and aroused nipples.

I spueezed her right one hard and she gasped. I squeezed it again and she moaned.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now