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जब कोई बात बिगड़ जाए
जब कोई मुश्किल पड़ जाए
तुम देना साथ मेरा
ओ हमनवा


She fisted my jacket in her hands again and made her way out of the club following me

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She fisted my jacket in her hands again and made her way out of the club following me .

Sridhi in the meanwhile had ordered to pack the lime soda so that she can have it in the car .

"We need to rush to Advika's house , her mom will be tensed , it's 11 pm ." Sridhi said .

"How will we send her back home in this condition?" Kainaat asked .

"Han uski toh mom ko pata bhe nahi hai wo drink karti hai ." Sridhi said .
(Yaa , her mom also doesn't know that she drinks )

"Karti nahi hai aaaj usne galti se pee hai ." I told her
(She doesn't , she drank it by mistake today )

"Oh yaa sorry , but what should we do now ?" Sridhi asked .

"Call her mother and tell her that she is staying with you tonight." I say and she dialed Advika's mother's number .

"Will she allow her to stay with us ?" Aayan asked .

"Give it a try ." Rian said .

She dialed Advika's mother's number and she picked up in one ring .

"Hello sridhi beta , Advika kaha hai ? Late hogya hai wo phone bhe nhi utha Rahi , theek toh hai na wo?" Her mother asked without taking a single stop .
(Hello Sridhi , where's Advika , she is not even picking my calls nor she has arrived home , is she ok?)

"Yes aunty she is alright , just that she slept here at our house , she is looking in a deep sleep , can she stay here or do I need to wake her up and drop her there ?" Sridhi asked crossing her fingers .

"Ofcourse beta , let her sleep , just tuck her properly in blanket otherwise she catches cold , and give her a cup of tea early in the morning otherwise her head will pain the whole day ." Aunty said .

"Yes yes aunty , we will take care of her . And you don't worry , she will call you in the morning ." Sridhi said to aunty .

"Okokay beta , good night !" She said and the call ended .

We all started moving towards our cars in the parking lot .

Aayan , Rian and Kainaat sat in the car in which they came .

Sridhi followed me as I she was handling Advika who was continuously mumbling something .

"Who will we make her sit now , she can't even stand properly ." Sridhi said .

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now