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एक दिन आप यूं हमको मिल जाएंगे
फूल ही फूल राहों में खिल जाएंगे
मैने सोचा न था
एक दिन ज़िंदगी इतनी होगी हसीं
झूमेगा आसमां गाएगी ये ज़मीं
मैने सोचा न था



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My mom woke me up this morning. Usually, my alarm gets me up, but today she let me sleep in a bit longer. I'm not sure if the alarm didn't go off or if I was just in a deep sleep.

After showering, I began assembling an outfit from my wardrobe. Today, we had a day out planned. First, we're all going to watch a movie, then we'll head to a club. I informed my mom about our plans, and she reminded me to be safe and not to come home alone.

My car was still at Aayan's house. I'd arranged for a mechanic to repair it there and then bring it back to my place. It's 3:30 pm, and we're all meeting at the city center by 5 pm. Sridhi and Kainaat live close to each other, so they're coming together.

The mechanic said he'd be here by 4 pm, giving me half an hour to get ready before heading out. I needed to stop by a bookstore on my way.

I love books-reading them, smelling them, everything about them. They provide peace to my mind and allow me to escape reality, entering a world entirely my own. Unlike dreams, which we can't control, we can choose the books we read and the worlds we enter.

However, my mom only lets me buy five books per month. Even though I earn my own money, she monitors my spending. While I can spend my money however I want, she restricts my book purchases, so I read a lot online. Five books only last me ten to fifteen days. She believes buying so many books is a waste of money and paper since they're available online. After much negotiation, we compromised: I can buy five books each month and read the rest online.

But the feel of physical books is irreplaceable.

Today is the day I'll buy this month's books.

When I visit the bookstore, I pick out ten to fifteen books that catch my eye, then narrow it down to five. It's exhausting because I often want more than five, so I add the others to my TBR (to be read) notes.

Pushing aside these thoughts, I returned to choosing an outfit. I pulled three or four pieces from my closet but didn't like any of them.

Then, I spotted my plain sleeveless black jumpsuit. You can never go wrong with black. I paired it with a green jacket and a black purse. I wanted something comfortable for the movie and stylish enough for clubbing. Black always does the trick.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now