11.1K 567 17

Heyyy loviess

As I already told you all that I lost all the drafts I made, i completed the whole book but because of this uncertain situation, I lost all of them. I think now, I would upload all the chapters all together,just when you all will complete the targets, so that you all don't have to wait for the dramas and everything, so please be patient. It will take me a week or one,two days more to write all of the chapters. REMAINING CHAPTER COUNT IS APPROXIMATELY 6-7
So please co-operate, i think it's more convenient for you.

Till then, can you all please vote on all the chapters of the book for me? It motivates me more to be more active, I would surely appreciate if you all make me reach a vote count of approximately 500-1K on each chapter because the readers count is 4K generally.

So sorry, but I think 7 chapters uploaded regularly will be good enough and won't make you wait for the dramas to unfold. Bonus chapters will be uploaded later on.


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