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एक दिन आप यूं
हमसे छीन जायेंगे
दिल के दरिया में हम
यूं ही गिर जायेंगे
हमने सोचा ना था

एक दिन आप यूं हमसे छीन जायेंगे दिल के दरिया में हम यूं ही गिर जायेंगे हमने सोचा ना था______________________________________

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I was not getting why was Advika behaving this way. She didn't give me any chance to start a conversation because she was quiet today. Otherwise she is always talking around me and does her constant bak bak.

I dropped her at her house and came to mine. I didn't slept the whole night. I couldn't because my mind is not on track.

A person was there in the party who wanted to kill me. But anything could have happened to Advika too. She changed after coming back from the washroom, something has happened there.

I called my manager mid night because he was in the office searching for everything.

"Sir , the people we sent Rajashthan earlier. They have been missing, the numbers are getting deleted again and again which are not giving any chance to us to tap their locations. " he said.

What the fuck is happening around?

Advika has also not responded to any of my good night message nor is she picking up my call. She is online.

I am not getting why is she angry or sad.

I am going to pick her from her house tomorrow. I am taking her somewhere away from all this.


I was very disheartened after theprevious night

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I was very disheartened after the
previous night.

I didn't know how to speak about my emotions to him.

I wanted to ask him about this but I, but I couldn't.

Someone is trying to kill him, he is already in so much tensions. I don't want built it more. If he is right , if he is wrong, I will figure that out after the chapter of his enemy closes.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now