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She started crying and ran to the washroom

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She started crying and ran to the washroom. Everyone chased after her. She locked herself inside, and they were all shouting from outside. I had only teased her a little, and this girl fled to the washroom in tears.

“I knew something was wrong with her. She’s not sharing what’s on her mind,” Kainaat said.

“You shouldn’t have been so harsh,” Aayan admonished me.

“But I just teased her a bit,” I replied defensively.

I don’t like it when people cry. It’s so irritating.

She emerged from the washroom, wiping her face with a handkerchief. Her eyes were bloodshot and teary, her cheeks flushed red.

For some reason, seeing her like this made my heart ache.

I don’t usually care when people cry, but with this girl, it felt different. It seemed like I knew her far better than I actually did, and my heart (which people claim I don’t have) ached to see her in distress.

Kainaat and Sridhi rushed to her. They both asked if she was okay and what had happened.

“You don’t seem okay. What’s bothering you? Please tell us,” Sridhi urged.

“Nothing, bro. It was just a breakdown. I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast, and you know how my empty stomach can make me cry! It was just a silly breakdown, nothing more,” Advika  replied with a smile.

They all believed her, perhaps because they knew her tendency to cry over hunger. But I could sense she wasn’t telling the truth. She was lying. Her eyes betrayed her. I don’t understand why they couldn’t see it. The reason for her tears wasn’t hunger or my teasing. It was something deeper, something she didn’t want to reveal.

She composed herself and gathered everyone. She asked Rian to play some music, and he started with a Hollywood song.

“Abey videshi, play Bollywood songs!” Advika instructed.

Rian then played a track.

“Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi pam para Zoobi doobi pa ram pam Zoobi doobi zoobi doobi dance Kyun pagal stupid man.”

They all started dancing. Rian and Aayan joined the girls. They were dancing to one song after another.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, dancing and laughing like children. Advika was filming both couples dancing, capturing every moment. She was also participating with them. On top of that, she was an exceptional dancer. Everyone can dance, but she had real talent. Her moves were impeccable.

Advika stepped aside to drink some water. She noticed me watching them all from the table.

She approached me.

"Why are you sitting here all by yourself? Why don’t you join us?" I asked him

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"Why are you sitting here all by yourself? Why don’t you join us?" I asked him.

"I don’t enjoy dancing," he replied.

"Why not? It’s so much fun. Or do you just like watching girls dance?" I teased.

"No, it’s not that. I’m just not into it," he responded.

"Oh, okay then. Excuse me while I go have some fun," I said, turning to join Sridhi and Kainaat.

"Hey, can I ask you something if you don’t mind?" he called from behind.

"Yeah, go ahead," I replied.

"Why did you cry? I mean, if you’re comfortable sharing it with me. Please don’t lie like you did to them. I can sense lies quickly," he asked.

I was taken aback that he had seen through my lie. I thought I was great at lying.

"N-no! It was the truth. I was just... I was just hungry!" I stammered, unsure why I was fumbling so much.

"See, I don’t mind if you don’t want to tell me about it. I just asked because I thought you cried because I teased you. And I can tell you’re lying again. So either you can share with me or simply say that you don’t want to share," he said calmly.

I couldn’t understand how he kept sensing my lies.

"Yar ek tu badi jaldi thak jati h, peeliya paani to ab jaldi aa na dance kre," Sridhi yelled from behind.

In my mind, I was thanking Sridhi because I didn’t know how I would have answered his question. I seized the opportunity, excused myself, and ran towards Sridhi and Kainaat.


We danced and enjoyed ourselves until 10 PM. I checked my watch, and it was 10:04 PM.

"I need to rush back home! I’m extremely late. We didn’t notice time passing. My parents are going to kill me for sure. We’ll meet tomorrow. I really need to go back as it’s a long drive," I said hurriedly, not leaving space for anyone to reply. I hugged the girls and bid goodbye to the boys. Sidharth, as usual, was aloof and just waved goodbye.

I ran out of the house and got into my car.

First start, failed.

Second start, failed.

Third start, failed.

Fourth start, failed.

Damn it! What the actual hell. My car wasn’t starting. I got out and went back inside.

The couples had disappeared into their rooms real quick. Seriously, these people couldn’t wait five minutes to go to their rooms. Sidharth was lying on the couch. He saw me and stood up.

"I thought you were in a great hurry?" he remarked.

"I am, I really am. My car isn’t starting. Please come check it. I need to leave," I replied urgently.

He came outside with me. He sat in the car and tried to start it, but he also failed. After a few attempts, he got out.

"I think it needs a mechanic, and finding one at this hour will take a while," he said.

I became super nervous. My parents would kill me if I got home late. They wouldn’t ask where I was all day, but at night, I needed to be home before 10:30.

"Do you mind if I drop you home?" he asked.


𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now