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मैं बैरागी साजी हूँ
ये भटकता मन
अब कहाँ ले जायेगा
ये आवारा मन
रहूँ मैं मलंग मलंग मलंग

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My penguin thinks that she cannot give me anything

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My penguin thinks that she cannot give me anything. She is a fool. My stupid little girl.

She has given me everything, a reason to smile, a reason to laugh, a reason to be a cute Sidharth.

She is not just my home, she is my whole sanctuary where I would want to live forever.

She got upset that she couldn't match up to her needs and mine.
I wasn't upset or angry in any kind of way, because it was her first time and I know that it causes a lot of pain.

I picked her up first and went to the washroom with her in my arms to clean her up.

I made her wear back her clothes the same way I removed them. She shouldn't feel unloved after I get physical with her in any way. She deserves the princess treatment, before and after everything.

I made her wear them and she was sitting on the bed like a kid. Like the ones whose mum are getting them ready. Silently and looking at me with puppy eyes.

I picked her up and took her downstairs to the kitchen. I placed her on the slab and went to the refrigerator. We usually don't keep any grocery items here as it gets all wasted because i come here very rarely.

The only things in the fridge were eggs. I wore the apron, grabbed all ingredients and started making omelettes for both of us. She sat on the slabs examining the whole hall.

"Why is everything so dark ?" She asked

"I used to come here for peace and I find peace in dark!" I said.

"But now, you are my peace, you can renovate this entire mansion because the only thing for peace that matters to me now is you!" I said and she caught her cheecks red.

She jumped off the slab and said that she wanted to help.

I picked her from one of my arms and placed her back on the slab.

"Sit here!" I said and she made a puppy face.

I kissed her on her nose and she laughed out loud.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now