Chapter 47: Bad Chick Belle, Cafeteria Drama, Friend Zone & Clubbing

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Cole P.O.V

So it was Tuesday morning and I was back at my parent's house. Things got crazy at Belle's house on Saturday. I never seen that part of her before until Saturday. I don't really know why she was acting like that. She was such a nice and shy girl back then, but now she's like a different person. I was pretty shocked when she said all of those thing to Carly.

So anyways, it was 6:45 in the morning. I sat up and swing my leg over the bed. I walk to my bathroom to brush my teeth, and did all of my morning routine. Once I was done, I went to my closet and decided on what clothes to wear for today. I decided on shorts and a t-shirt and my sneaker. I grab my snapback and backpack and head downstairs into the kitchen. My parent and Evan was sitting at the table.

"Morning" I said

"Morning honey" my mom smile

I walk over and sat down in my chair and my mom brought me some pancakes. Neither Evan or I was saying anything that happen on Saturday. Once I finish eating, I brought my plate to the sink and left it there.

"Bye mom, bye dad" I said

"Bye honey" my mom said

Evan and I walk into the living room and grab our bags. We decided to carpool together. Evan have to go pick up Carly as well. We walk out to his car and got in. He start his engine and turn on the radio. He pull out of the driveway and headed to Carly's house. On the way there, we didn't say anything. We just let the music from the radio play.

We finally got to Carly's house and saw that she was standing outside wearing something that I never seen her in. I look over at Evan and he was shock too see her in those clothes as well. She was wearing something that Belle would wear. She was wearing black lace skirt with a poke a dot crop top and some red wedges. Her hair was curl and she wasn't carrying her normal backpack but this satchel bag. I got out and open the back door. I got in and Carly got in the front.

"Carly, you look different" Evan said

"A good different?" she ask

"Yea, but I never seem you wear those clothes before, as a matter of fact, I never knew that you own anything like that" Evan said

"Yea, my mom and I went out shopping yesterday" she smile

Evan turn around and look at me. I just shrug my shoulder. He turn back around and pull out of her driveway and headed to school.

"Carly, you don't have to change your clothes" Evan said

"I know, but I want to. I like this new me" she smile. "And I can't wait to see the look on Belle face when she see me"

"You're dressing like because of what Belle said to you on Saturday?" I ask

"I want to prove to her that I do got fashion sense and that she's not the only one that dress classy and nice everyday" Carly said

"Don't take what Belle said seriously" Evan said

"Well, it's too late for that" Carly said. "I wonder what she is wearing this morning"

"Probably the way she dress everyday for school" I said

We finally got to the school parking lot and pull into a space. Evan turn off the engine and we all got out. Since we still have like 20 minutes until class start, we decided just to hang at Evan's car. Almost everyone was hanging at their cars in the morning before class. I look around to see of Belle's car was here, but I didn't see it. 10 minutes past and I saw Belle's car pulling in the lot. She park right across from us on the opposite side. I look at Carly and she was waiting to see what Belle was wearing.

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