Chapter 20: Interview with Good Morning America & New Year Mistake

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Niall P.O.V

I stay in the U.S till Monday. Tomorrow was New Years Eve and the day after was New Years and we have an interview and we have a performance in New York at Time Square. I was packing all of my stuff to go back to the UK. Belle was also packing her suitcase as well. She was coming back with me. She put new clothes in her luggage. She brought her laptop, her phone and all of the chargers. We were all done packing. I was wearing my jean with a red long sleeve, a sweater and a jacket. Belle was wearing legging with her flat ankle boot and an oversize sweater that went down past her butt. We went down-stair to say goodbye to her mom and dad. We were taking her jet again to go back to the UK. We were leaving at noon and it was 11:45. Belle and I went into the kitchen to say goodbye to Carson and to grab a few boxes of macarons and some cannolis.

We walked back out and grabbed our luggage, well I was holding mine and one of her. She was holding the boxes of macaron and cannoli and the other luggage of her. We have like three boxes of each kind. We put them in a plastic bag. We walked out the door and there was a black car waiting for us. The driver help us with the luggage and I got in. Belle said goodbye to her parent one last time before getting in.

The driver drove us to the jet that waiting for us. We climb out and guards grabbed out stuff and took it on-board. We took our time walking to the jet. We climb up the step and got in. The door close behind us and we just sit down and enjoy the ride there.

After 7 hours, we finally made it to London, UK. We were going to back to the State in two days for New Years. Our luggage was brought to the car and we got in. We told the driver to drive to us to Harry's house. Everyone was going to meet us there.

After an hour of driving, we got to his house. I grab our luggage and walked to the front step. I knock on the door and it open. Eleanor was standing there and she wrapped her arm around Belle for a big hug

"I miss you too El" Belle smiled

"Me too" she said

We walked in to find that everyone was here. Belle hug everyone. Louis and Harry was the only that spun Belle around while hugging her. I was so happy to see all of them again. We were all staying at Harry's guest house that he did in the back of his house. The floor was cover with blankets and pillows. It was 6 at night and Belle and I took our stuff to the guest house and shower first. I change into my usual clothes. Sweatpant and sweater. Belle did the same and we walked back into the house. When we walked in, everyone was at the kitchen getting ready for dinner.

We all sat down and being to eat dinner together. Harry's mom made so many food. We finish eating and everyone went into the living room to watch some TV. I brought out the boxes of macarons and cannoli to everyone.

"Dig in everyone" I said putting down the box and opening them.

Everyone looks and their face light. They grab a couple of them and being to munch on them. We only have a day a half till we leave for New York. Time square is going o be crazy with people. I was excited for the ball drop, all of the pretty lights, and all of the confetti that will busting out. Around 11, we all went to the guest house and just sit on the blanket talking. the girls was laying on the blanket while we boys was playing FIFA. Our favorite game all of time. The girls was probably on twitter and Instagram.There was so many tweets about One Direction being at Time Square with their performance and interview.

We end up sleeping around 2 in the morning and waking up around 11. We brush our teeth and went into the house where there was breakfast already on the counter for us. After we eat, we decided to take a drive around Cheshire. We went into different clothing store and the girls bought some clothes. After a long day out, we all went back to Harry's house and start to pack for tomorrow trip. Today was New Year Eve and we are heading out to New York for the ball drop, performance and interview. Tomorrow night, we are going to have some fun.

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