chapter 2

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[Jae's pov]

I clicked on the voice note deleted it from my iPhone and blocked her number, I already warned her that she couldn't text me or anything until I was here what if anybody had noticed her voice note

I don't want to embarrass myself more in front of anyone due to her, everyone in my group circle has cool moms except me but now when I'm finally fitting in the group circle she wants to ruin my every moment, I don't know how dad got with her in the first place

Sipping the lemon juice I went to the dance floor dancing to the music and waving at my peers who noticed my presence and made their way toward me with their side chicks

"This one will look good on you babe" he took the revealing set of lingerie in his hands and hung it in front of her face with a smirk " black? You so kinky" She shyly took the piece of clothing from his hands putting it in the basket and pecking his lips

But before she can detach herself from him he grabbed her ass firmly and bit her bottom lip and started sucking on it making it visibly red and swollen

"I'm addicted to your everything baby, the way you blush and always shyly do your little gesture as you haven't experienced anything in our room last night" jungkook teased her making her eyes widen and she pouted hitting his chest with her little fist

"Don't tease me pretty please!!!! You know right someone will hear us" Hana yanked his hand but instead of backing off he pinned her hand on the wall coming closer to her face until a few inches were left to crash his lips on her

"So let the world see who this beautiful lady belongs to babe, they should know that this man claims his girl, my girl just mine to touch and even be around" his words sent a shiver down her spine and she gulped as his lips moved more toward her lips and again she melted into his touch letting him touch her wherever he desire and hit his tongue deep inside her mouth

"Ahhhh" she lightly moaned as his teeth bit her bottom lip too hard and his other hand went inside her shirt unclasping her bra and making contact with her bare nipples rubbing them softly before pinching them with his fingers and She again moaned in his mouth

His knees parting her legs and his thighs rubbing her soaked panties he left her lips and kissed her neck and her legs automatically wrapped around his waist and he picked her carefully toward the changing room

He unbulked her belt and his member sprung out hitting her belly, she blushed, even more knowing he was not wearing any boxers so he could take her anywhere directly

He again connected his lips with hers sliding his member inside her but he took few moments to thrust inside her so that she could adjust to his size as always again

He started to thrust when he felt her comfortable, he admired her face which looked like some hentai girl being railed, with red swollen lips, eyes rolling back and her huge breast hanging in front of him

He left several marks on her cleavage while rubbing her clit so she can come with him
"YES, baby let daddy f-fuck you good, just like that!"
His words excited her and they both came together overcoming their high state being in each other's arms

He again pecked her lips and smirked when she hissed as his member was still inside her " Plwease d-daddy let's continue at home baby is tired now" she said in a childish tone leaning on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around her neck

"OK I will let you rest for now but once we are at the room we will continue the rounds baby"

"Felix and Jackson! Are they still in their room?" The man in black formal clothes asked the blonde guy while tugging on his guns and analyzing them carefully

"Yes, I put them to sleep they are like 4 and 5 but still hard to handle anyway they are of Kim blood so isn't it obvious they are going to be mischievous and I like spoiling my nephews as much as I can jimin " he uttered wiping the blood from his hand and taking out the sharp blade from the front desk and the man tied in all ropes in front of him in the chair tried to scream but the cloth inside his mouth muffled his voice

"I see why don't you see a babysitter for them" jimin uttered taking another gun in his hand and checking the design of it while normally sipping on his coffee

Meanwhile, the blonde guy put the knife tip on the tied man's closed eyes and digged in it, the man screamed his heart out but the blonde guy just chuckled

"I don't trust anybody in their matter but I'm searching for one who can take care of my babies" the blonde guy said taking out the knife from his eyes and stabbing it into the man's face repeatedly
Until the man stopped moving and his muffled down

"So tae why don't you set up your man to find a hot lady who can look after your babies in the day and during the night suck you out good, it's a waste of time to still think about her who left you for a bastard" jimin's words made taehyung halt on his action and glared at him while rubbing his forehead

"Forget her? I'm already fucking plenty of sluts jimin, but the fire she left inside me due to her actions will never fade If that Han Hana thinks I forgot about her and will never come back to take her with me then she's wrong" he chuckled cleaning the blade with a tissue and putting it in a jar

"So how you gonna take her back in your cage Mr. Kim?" Jimin asked with a smirk knowing his friend from the diapers could do anything for his people and once you are in his world you can't go outside without his permission

"She's a family person, An angel who can't see anybody getting hurt so I will simply kidnap her mom and dad or as far as I remember her other elder sis who was in our batch only but look we don't even know her" taehyung's words amused jimin, as long as he remembered he got every chick of his batch so who's this lad who was left behind

"Seriously? Who's this lad who never ended up in my bed bro? You should surely go with the second option and get her here I won't mind fucking her, she may be going to be my 111th chick" jimin's words made a chuckle leave taehyung's mouth immediately

"You such a bastard and surely a horny one Park, But I would love to record my and her sex tape to forward it to Hana" taehyung evilly chuckled taking out the gloves from his hands and leaving the basement with jimin

The guards started bowing them both and one of the maids offered wine

"Robert take out the information about the Han family especially of the elder sister of their family, each detail of her should be there "


Love you all 💜💙

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