chapter 6

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"Mr. Kim I'm thankful to you, I will take good care of your sons" You emphasised your every word and patted the two small kids looking at you with their doe eyes

"I'm grateful to you too, these two monkeys are kind of mischievous so I hope they will not trouble you much but may I know if you at least babysat before?" He asked as you nodded assuring him

"Yes I have Mr Kim, I have a son who's fifteen now so being a mother myself I know how to handle kids" you assured him patting Jackson's head who was glaring at you the whole time

"Then I think I don't have to worry about anything, you can shift to our worker's quarter today itself, the first payment will be done through cash and after that directly to your bank account, I have a company to run so I can't give them enough time but I hope you will give your best " he let out while gazing at your fist which was tightly clasped to the files showing your nervousness

"Thank you so much I will shift there today itself Mr Kim" he smirked as you bowed toward himself while waving at the kids who waved back at you while smiling

Both the kids shouted together and taehyung pecked their cheeks lovingly "Let's go home first we need to arrange a few stuffs for your babysitter" taehyung picked Felix in his arms and the other one grasped his fist tightly

"Yes Mrs Lee I'm fine I got the work don't worry, can you just request Mr James to carry my stuff to the new star area mansion no.6?.........ohhk again thanks a lot let's meet someday "You didn't have enough guts to face all of them, You want to move forward so it's better for you to not look back at them
[Jungkook's pov]

I came out of my car and the driver parked it, I went inside my home while whistling, but whatever Mr Vernon stated about her in the morning made me laugh, he didn't know how boring it was with her, she really thought she would get some job? I chuckled slightly peeking at the guest room

I opened the door knob without taking permission of course this is my home and I can do whatever I want, I looked at my surrounding and it felt kind of odd she had a lot of stuff with her and now I can't even find a single thing

I sat on the bed and waited for her to arrive here, it's like 7 pm now and she's still not at home. I looked at the timepiece and glanced at the mirror where some first Aid kit was placed

I saw one of the maids passing through the room so I called her "Mrs.Lee " I yelled and she immediately made her way inside the room while bowing at me

"How can I help you master" she uttered gazing at the floor, her figure was tensed for some reason clearing my throat I decided to finally ask her "Where's she?" I asked and she understood what I meant by 'she'

"Mam left, She called in the daytime and shifted her stuff" As her words reached my ears, I knitted my brows where she went and that too with her all the stuff, did she get some work or what if yes so how just getting the job in a day she was able to shift?

I nodded slightly and told the maids to lock the guest room, as I went upstairs toward our room, I noticed my son's room which was locked maybe he was again out with his bros but this was the time when he could enjoy himself and then for the rest of the life he has to work so let him enjoy

I opened my room and locked it, I heard the shower running on and a smirk formed on my face knowing who was inside there

This is best when you come home tired and your woman offers you these things, every man wants this and I'm living it, taking out my shirt I unbulked my pants rolled them down and just made my way to Hana in my boxers

I noticed the steam coming out and turning the knob I entered the  bathroom, I noticed her bare back and her plumpy ass which invited me more toward her, I back hugged her and she flinched but when my hands caressed her bare breast she leaned over my shoulder closing her eyes, my hardened member poking her ass cheek

I put my face near her crook and licked the water droplets dripping from her neck toward her breast, I'm obsessed with her plumpy breasts I wish I could latch on them the whole day, the more I thought dirty the more she moaned with the magic of my hands on her body

"Jungkook-ah p-please " I love how she was begging me, I loved every bit of it. I parted her legs and teased her a bit with some slow slaps on her cunt, she moaned near my ears and my other hand cupped one of her breasts rising it up and I gave a few kitten licks on the nipple before biting on it and my middle and index finger thrusting inside her

My thumb kept rubbing her swollen clit, I kept sucking on the nipples while biting on it in between and adding one more finger inside her, her sweet nectar dripping from finger to my fist

She kept moaning my name I bit her sensitive nipple so hard that she flinched and her right hand massaged my cheek to get a halt my both hands working on her body and my lips kept switching between the nipples

When she finally came on my finger,  I lapped her juice on my slender finger and forced her to face the mirror where I put my fingers in my mouth, I moaned on the taste of her nectar and our eyes made intense eye contact through the mirror

She turned back kissed my lips and forced her lower area to rub against my erection, Slipping my boxer I put my whole shaft inside her tight cunt which always takes me so good

I picked her up and her back hit the mirror walls while I kept thrusting inside her she cried taking my name with each thrust her wet body making my body drench too, I put on the shower and kept thrusting under the droplets

I sucked on her neck and made sure there were several hickeys all over her neck and breasts, this indicates clearly that she belongs to me and always will

And that's how we did it in the bathroom for three hours straight, This woman sleeping in my arms right now drives me crazy all the time, she knows how to keep me satisfied

I love pampering her, and I love being a dom with her she makes sure each of my kinks or scenarios is getting fulfilled, and she takes care of my needs like no one ever did

I love her baby talks, my small baby I yanked her closer to my chest and massaged her forehead lightly being in the water for too long made her sneeze a few times and I hated it whenever she caught a cold or got sick

"I l-love you j-jungkookshii" I heard her small baby-like tone which made a smile form on my face instantly, I wish I was the only person who could see her she's  too precious for me I love her more than anything

"I love you more baby and always going to no matter what, I love you dammn much thanks for coming into my life, I forgot to smile or be happy with y/n but you brought every emotion and happiness again into me. You belong to me get that love" I uttered and a smile formed on her small pale face, I kissed her lips and we both slept like that

Love you all 💜💙

Guys warning there's going to be so much angst and you all will be frustrated,  more sex scenes of jungkook and Hana going to be there and trust me I'm cussing on both of them hard now lmao 😭

It feels more disturbing imagining them while writing !!!

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