chapter 37

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I looked over at my dad whose lips were bleeding badly as My stepmom  was applying medicines to him, Thankfully I came on time to the spot where Mr. Kim and Dad were ready to kill each other

Dad's whole attention was still on Mr.Kim, as Mom was applying medicines on his knuckles with her eyes Slightly tearing. It's my fault just because of my custody Mom and Mr. Kim have to go through tons of shit, I felt my breath stuck looking at my dad's raging eyes which I never noticed ever before in my whole life. He was so desperate to Beat the shit out of Mr. Kim

Grandma is still not at home and I don't think anyone would inform her about the huge chaos at home, Grandpa is out of the country due to a few business purposes and still not aware of Mom's arrival, as far as I've seen Grandpa had a great relationship with mom after the divorce he was helping mom financially

I went near Mom as I stood beside Mr. Kim whose eyes were just focused on Mom
"W-Why you did that?" She asked slowly just enough for us to hear as Mr.Kim wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled into her warmth

Mom pecked his head as she caressed his back drawing a few circles, They both are so in love, Is it possible to be in such a relationship too? Dad failed both his relationships but looking at Mom she's doing extremely well with Mr. Kim but I don't know why it feels like something is off, Mom is not responding back about anything clearly and it feels like she's hiding tons of things behind her calm smile

I looked at Dad as he yanked my stepmom's hands away from his chin and clenched his jaw looking in our direction, I'm sure something was not good here Dad looked so scary gazing at Mom this obviously in front of everyone

Mom's phone vibrated a few times as she finally looked at the screen and her gaze got heavier while looking at God knows what in her phone, She broke the Hug slightly from Mr. Kim Taehyung and switched off her phone

"T-Tae Go in the Room, I'll call the doctor to check For any serious injury " She let out but Mr. Kim didn't look like he was going to leave her, he shook his head and stood from his place twisting his head and then he suddenly picked Mom in a bridal style

"TAE" she yelled as I gasped looking in their direction as he kept moving toward the stairs, she tightly clasped her arms around his neck and leaned on his chest. They are such ideal couples which makes me adore them just like Jera ships them most of the time, this won't be a lie if I say that she has kind of high exceptions from me after noticing the way Mr. Kim treats my Mom

"Wanna burn yourself more in jealousy?" My stepmom uttered looking in Mr. Kim and Mom's direction, he was carrying her  so effortlessly  even upstairs as if she weighed like a feather, Dad looked at my stepmom before standing up from his place and kicking the couch with his feet as I knitted my brows

"Don't tease my patience" Dad warned looking at her way before picking up his phone and jacket from the couch and going outside of the mansion, Is there something Dad is hiding from us? Why he looks like he's doing something evil? I may not have that much interest in Mom's relationship with Mr.Kim but that doesn't mean that Mr. Kim is not the best guy for her, he deserves her more than Dad too so I probably don't want their relationship to fall apart

But Why it's affecting Dad this much? They already broke their relationship years ago so why now when Mom is happy with someone else, I need answers and also what's going on between my biological parents

What should I do? Should I talk to Mom or should I talk to Dad? I'm sure none of them are going to talk to me in this matter, I need to dig a bit into their history to get to know them more

I looked at My stepmom who was already judging me hard, I picked up my bike's key before storming out of the living room

"You're such an ass Jae, you should have confronted your dad for Everything on the spot" Jera uttered as we both hopped off the bike and as the guard saw me when I lowered my helmet he let me in, I threw my bike's key at him as he knows where to part it like as always

"Dad was not in a good mood, Namjoon's uncle will probably help for now," I said and almost pulled her inside the mansion with me, He rang the bell of the video doorbell as the staff saw us they immediately opened the door

We both bowed as I saw Namjoon's uncle coming downstairs and a wide smile spread across his face "Ohh my child you brought your girl too?" He asked as I hugged him tightly, he patted my head before patting Jera's head too

"It's urgent can we talk?" I let out as we all settled on the couch and he knitted his brows in confusion looking at me "Relax Jae first have some water then we can talk you know" I shook my head and Jera slightly punched my arm

"Just some juice for her, Well Mom's here with her Boyfriend Mr. Kim T-Taehyung" He knitted his brows as He almost gasped at my words "KIM TAEHYUNG?" He yelled making Jera flinch as I caressed her back

"Yeah and something is off Uncle, I don't know what but the rising tension in the home is not good, I decided to be with Mom and Mr. Kim in Daegu but Mom and Dad again have to parent me together for at least two months to get my custody" I let out as Namjoon uncle again looked tense as he joints his both the palms together

"Taehyung was the popular guy in the school and uni times of ours and during the uni, he was after Hana but I'm not sure if they ever dated or not so if Y/N is with Taehyung then it's kind of off to me" Jera sighed heavily as if it's too much for her to digest

"What's jungkook's r-reaction is he good?" He asked as I shook my head and his breath hitched as he gulped the glass of water immediately "It's kind of you know not so digestible, This morning they both got into a huge fight"

"Is it serious Uncle?" Jera asked as Namjoon uncle genuinely looked tense and kind of More worried, his eyes were lost as if he was getting back-to-back flashbacks

"It's much more than that, we need to talk to your Mom, She should not be with your dad Jae, you won't understand how big This Thing is going to be. pasts are better if they're kept in the boxes they shouldn't come out of it Jae When a person crosses every limit of His desires and gets so selfish then Obsession is born, As I said before obsession kills to live"

Love you all 💙💜

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