chapter 43

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[Y/n's pov]

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly I opened my eyes, My eyes halted on Taehyung. sleeping peacefully beside me while snoring slowly and steadily. I just love this man, Pecking his lips lightly to not disturb him in his sleep, my fingers trailed over his delicate features, his sharp nose, his big eyes which hold the whole universe in them were closed, his cheeks which made me smile widely.

I took my fingers back with a heavy sigh, got out of bed, and went out of our room toward Jungkook and Hana's room with a heavy heart, I didn't want to but I had to if I wanted to get all my pictures, videos and everything he has against me. I can't let him blackmail me all the time, My heartbeat fastened turning the knob of the door, I steadily made my way inside

Hana is out shopping and God knows where her husband is but do I care? No a big No, it's my time to gather everything he has against me in their absence. I smiled a little sensing no one in the room as my eyes halted on the small frame of a baby tugged in the bed with various plushies around her, I tip-toed as I really didn't want to disturb the little one's sleep. I immediately opened the drawer in front of the mirror, Shuffling a bit I didn't find many things but some makeup stuffs

I went near the wardrobe and yanked a few clothes from here to there but still, I didn't find anything. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I moved toward the region where Jungkook's clothes were kept, I took a deep breath before yanking them to find something from his pocket but I almost gasped and stepped back as my face scrunched when a packet of condom fell near my feet from one of his pants

I didn't want to touch it for God's sake so I disgustingly kicked it away from me, I immediately left the wardrobe area and again went near the night's stand where a bottle of milk was placed, I sighed heavily as I didn't found something which can help me

I was deep in my thoughts until the baby sleeping on the bed started making moves, Her little groans got louder as I instantly looked at her and her eyes flashed open at me, I awkwardly smiled at her, and she showed me her two bunny teeth which looked like she only had these two teeth. I smiled at her cuteness, I waved at her and she threw her small hands at me

When I didn't react or anything she started sighing heavily, scrunching her face but before her cry could be heard I sat on the bed and she rolled near my lap trying to get in my arms, I gently picked her up as she rubbed her small face near my chest, I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. She giggled when I laughed at her. She has so much of her mom's side genes with her, but her smile probably belongs to a person whom I loathe a lot.

Her fingers grasped my shirt as she started pulling on it while groaning lightly, "Baby no" I let out as she pulled them more until the upper three buttons flew on the floor, How could she be this strong? This reminded me of Jae when he was just around her age, The jeon genes are dominating when it comes to physical power

I picked the bottle of milk from the nightstand, and I Slightly first checked the temperature before putting it near her mouth which she started sucking aggressively, is she this hungry? How can Hana leave her all alone and shopping, especially around this time when a baby should be put in bed for sleep

I'm no one to remark on their parenting but they both look so careless when it comes to their child, I caressed her cheeks to ease her up. She smiled while closing her eyes but she still was sucking on the bottle

I hope they both will be out for a few more hours, should I call that maid who babysits her most of the time, it's better if she is around her. I tried placing her on the bed but she grasped my shirt tightly opening her eyes immediately, Her face again scrunched but before she could cry I softly caressed her back to put her back on ease

I was just looking at her face until I saw a few red-blue marks on her legs, I weirdly looked at them as they didn't look like some normal fungus infection, I rolled her pants a little and found more red-blue marks on her skin, and few parts of her skin was swelled too as my fingers traced over them. I squinted my eyes gazing at her stomach which had the same marks

My heart got bitter noticing these marks as I bit my lower lip, these marks were like someone had abused her, these were not some normal marks but as if someone hit her with something, How could they be this careless, I watched her face as she kept looking at me but flashed her two teeth smile

I felt emotionally drained noticing such cruelty on a child who's probably not even of a year old, This is horrible

[Jungkook's pov]

I entered the mansion as the maids greeted me but I roamed my eyes around the area to spot a familiar person who was nowhere to be seen, I cleared my throat as blood ran into my senses thinking of both of them again together that's why even after drinking so much with Jin hyung I came back home to have eyes on both of them but they both were nowhere to be seen

I know everything I did with her was horrible, But when I was in my lowest time thinking she betrayed me with a guy, Hana kind of became a stress-releasing person for me, having continuous sex with her made me relaxed and excited that one day y/n will catch us and will be heartbroken, Hana played as a comfort zone for me when I was fighting to hold myself

I won't lie but I did have a bit of feeling for Hana after being with her most of the time, Who wouldn't if you were with someone for straight five years and that person comforts you and understands your problems, But I did realize it late but at least I realized that what I felt or shared with y/n can't be compared to any feelings with someone else, I tried searching for similarities between them to ease my mind

It hurts now more than anything to see her with unfortunately with one of the most handsome fucker, who cares for her, loves her, be with her like a baby who sticks to their mother the whole day. I'm sure just like I tried using Hana to release my stress and to get over her just like that way only y/n must be using Taehyung to get over me, she must be doing all these things to make me feel the same thing that I made her feel earlier, I know she's just pretending as she's hurt

I poked my inner cheek noticing the door of my room slightly opened, as far as I remembered Hana texted me saying she was getting some lingerie so that she could wear them while seducing Taehyung but when she sent me her pics while wearing it, it looked like she wanted to seduce me more than Taehyung

I pushed the door as my heartbeat fastened, Many stored memories attacked my view, and I felt myself stiffen at my place when I noticed her hands caressing Eunji's back just like the way she used to do with Jae, her hair tied in a messy bun as most of her hair strands were falling on her face, My eyes trailed toward her shirt which had it's first few buttons unbuttoned as I saw glimpses of the hickey I left on her, did she noticed them? Did she feel a similar feeling of euphoria just as I did?

I bit on my bottom lip when I heard her softly humming for my daughter, Only if everything was right Eunji would have belonged to me and y/n, I expected a smile to form on her face when she would notice my figure staring at her lovingly, and also get Nostalgia like me but her reaction was different

She almost gasped noticing my figure and immediately stood from the bed holding Eunji in her arms while still feeding her milk from the bottle

We both made eye contact with each other which she broke first before looking around her

"W-what and w-why are you h-here"

Love you all 💙💜

Boards are approaching so no fast updates anymore y'all!!! I've to study a lot to give my best for the last time to get PCB 🤧

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