chapter 47

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[Y/N's pov]

I played with my fingers looking at Jungkook who just entered his mansion, His face was cold as the bandages were wrapped around his head and arms, and His eyes were just straightly looking at the Stairs

Jae helped him to get on the stairs, It's been like two or three days he was unconscious and I and taehyung visited him a few times but Hana was the one around him the whole time, but the way he shouted my name before waking up yesterday morning made the things awkward, He was calling for me while throwing all the things inside the room of the hospital and forcefully I've to go there to meet him


I patted Taehyung's chest before going inside Jungkook's ward, Hana was in the corner trembling and when she looked at me she burst into tears, After everything I couldn't see her the same but still the bond we shared before made me feel worse for her due to her situation but whatever she did can't be forgiven nor what she did with her own child. That was disturbing and disgusting

"GET OUT" she flinched hearing him yelling as she finally left the place with a deep sigh wiping her tears but gave me a smile before going out lowering her gaze

"H-how are you" I asked not knowing what should I ask to him anymore as now it seemed more awkward to talk to him after he tried blackmailing me and the last time when he saw me having sex with Taehyung
"Better than before what about you?" He was sounding so casual that I didn't understand the motive behind his chill tone after everything

He almost was about to get hit by a heavy vehicle but thankfully the driver of the truck smoothly halted his truck before any big incident took place, his head hit the steering wheel and the sudden brake made the impact more powerful than a lot of bleeding took place but now he seems fine

"Fine" I shortly answered sitting beside his head as I looked at his hands which clasped my fingers, we both looked at our fingers before making eye contact "I'm sorry for everything I understood my mistakes y/n, I know we can't get back to our past but can you forgive me?" His words seemed genuine as tears slipped from his eyes which was a rare sight to see " I will even erase all these pictures and videos of yours, I understand my mistake now you don't have to find any proof against me in my Room" He chuckled making me sigh, so he knew why I was there but I'm happy he understood his mistake. Sometimes it's great to forgive people instead of having grudges against them

I nodded with a smile as he hugged me tightly, shoving his head on my stomach, I didn't know how to react to this so I just got stiff letting him drench my shirt, his grip tightened around me as my hands were still on each side of mine "I'm sorry *sob* you don't have to play anymore with Taehyung to get me back love, I understood how you felt earlier let's now get away from everything and let's go somewhere far away from these people, I promise I will hold you tight this time in my arms, I missed the fragrance and warmth of your body love"

I almost lost my balance at his words which didn't make any sense, why did he still think that I was just making him jealous when it's it was clear that I moved on from him, I Slightly pushed his shoulder to not hurt him as he smiled showing me his Bunny teeth as the bandage wrapped around his forehead started turning red

"Jungkook you got the wrong idea, I did forgive you but I love Taehyung now, I surely loved you once more than anything but now it's over for us kookie, you should take care of your family and yours. Time changes people and I changed too when no one was there with me he was with me like a shield, You broke me first In a manner that it was impossible to get myself together but he collected all my pieces in his arms giving Me a new life, I Love Taehyung"

His eyes kept on shedding more tears as he clutched on my arms tightly yanking me toward him, he started crying, and his cries got louder with each passing second that Taehyung came inside with a few nurses

He kept on crying as his eyes started to get heavy until he passed out on the bed

[Flashback end]

[Jae's pov]

I covered Dad with a blanket and checked the medicines before placing them again on the nightstand "Sit here Jae" he called out my name as I took a seat beside him on the bed, I smiled at him even though I had broken myself

"Dad get well soon, For you I even left Jera, in the last I realized how Toxic we are together She deserves a better guy, not me who's this toxic and disgusting, I let her go for a better Guy which she deserves, I genuinely want her to be happy and A great person with the ones who will cherish her forever"

I let out wiping my tears as Dad hugged my figure tightly, I miss her a lot but I don't want us to be like my biological parents at any cost

"Fight for her Jae, I know I was the one to tell you to break things with her but this is not how we Jeons back off" his words were intimidating but Somehow not Right, I didn't want to correct him as he was Much older than me and that would be disrespectful

"Let it be Dad she's better without me"

I smiled assuring him that heartbreak is fine and I did accept it for her better, I hope she will be happy without my depressed ass which was making her depressed too

"Go on a Trip with your friends Jae, Call my secretary he will arrange the trip for you guys and your dad promises you that when you are back home your family will be again same just like before, YOUR REAL FAMILY WILL GREET YOU"

Love you all 💙💜

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