chapter 51

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[Taehyung's pov]

I scrolled through all the pictures as I felt my heartbeat halting, Tears left my eyes when my trembling finger tapped on a certain video, The room got filled with a familiar moan whom just I was allowed to hear mixed up with another moan of a Man

So was I just a Rebound for her? Did she seriously use me to get her ex back? I was just a source to make jungkook feel miserable. So was she just used me in these two years, was she this desperate that when she got a chance she easily fucked him behind my back.

I again scrolled through the pictures as a chill ran down my spine seeing them together engulfed like a perfect couple and I felt like an outsider watching them

She cheated on me.

I told her I could fight millions or maybe infinite guys for her but not the one she wants, In the process of healing her she broke me. now it makes sense why she was still in love with her ex for so long and why moving on was this hard for her

I punched the mirror making blood trickle through my knuckles as I burst into tears looking at the cracks over the mirror "What? She cheated on you, THAT JUNGKOOK IS MUCH BETTER THAN YOU" I again punched the mirror when I saw my own self taunting at my conditions

I grasped my head tightly as my body was trembling I felt difficulties in breathing, her smell stuck in my nostrils still oddly comforting me even if I wanted to erase her every memory from my senses of her

I still fucking can't hate her even after her betrayal, I can't stand being this suffocated, now she will just give me some Rubbish excuses behind her cheating which I don't want to hear. I took my suitcase and packed my clothes as my blood messed up the whole floor and my clothes

Shoving my phone into my jacket, I made my steps downstairs and tears slipped from my eyes seeing her with her ex's baby and that mother fucker admiring her while being situated over the couch. His dirty gaze roaming all over her body, I soon gained their attention as she smiled widely at me

Disgusting, She fucking played with my emotions and everything but still her smile made me tremble into fear of being away from her. She doesn't deserve a guy like me who supported her through her thick times to only see her getting fucked by her ex-husband

"Where are you- Wait your hand" She left the baby with the maid as she hurriedly came toward me, How good can one be at acting that even after everything she's making Me feel this genuine

She tried reaching for my hand but I immediately shook my head with tears in my eyes desperate to fall in front of the woman whom I cherished like everything, to the girl whom I loved more than the word love to only see her betraying me in the worst way

It would have been better if she had stabbed me with a knife instead of giving me this much damage to my heart, it feels like I'm a living corpse, She promised me many things she promised Me being with me

"You said we have time right? Guess what you were wrong y/n-ahh we never had time" I almost yelled at her face as she knitted her words trying to act confused like a Saint which she isn't at all
"What do you mean the, let me just treat your hand fir-" I cut off her again when she again tried touching me with the hand God knows where they must have touched that bastard "FUCKING DON'T TOUCH ME" I shouted as my hands almost were about to land on her cheek to slap her, but she immediately flinched and tightly shut her eyes

What was I about to do right now? My hands trembled being stuck in the air as I cried hard finally breaking down, My hands which were bleeding caressed her cheek as a smile formed on my face

"I c-can't hurt y-you" I kissed her forehead as tears rolled down my cheek to her hair, I kissed her whole face as she seemed to get stiff in her position "But I will never be able to forgive you," I said lastly kissing over her lips as she probably must have tasted my salty tears

I grasped my suitcase and immediately went toward my car, I heard her shouting my name but I immediately shoved my bag inside the car and started the engine, she banged over the window shouting something, I turned too cold that I looked over her to only notice jungkook smirking at my direction

I burst into tears as I drove off, The last glance toward them I saw him winking toward me as he tried holding her, she broke me. She fucking betrayed me but still played like a victim

If she loves him this much so I'm letting her go, her showing off everything to me will be one of the purest memories of my life, maybe I would not be able to see her again but She should know that someone was living for her and she stabbed that person with her own hands

[End of Taehyung's POV]

"TAEHYUNG" She shouted while running behind the car as fast as she could even after the pain in her abdomen was too much to handle, she still ran after the car until the gate got closed and she banged her hand over the metal until she felt her hands getting numb

She fell on her knees as the lighting in the sky started and big droplets of water started pouring over her, she still shouted his name but he never turned again toward her

Her hands swelled but still her voice chanting his name, the guards looking at their boss for further command but he just stood behind her getting drenched in the rain

Her sobs her cries getting louder as he opened the closed umbrella and took his steps toward her, until he was just standing behind her in the evening when the sun was covered with black clouds

Thundering and huge droplets took place making the place surrounded with dark, she hiccuped and looked upward to find him already staring at her with a smirk dangling over his face which looked more evil than Satan itself

"Welcome home love"
Love you all 💙💜

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