chapter 4

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The clock struck 2 am, and you were struggling to keep your eyes open, the yearning for sleep was overpowering. But, the image of your son's tearful eyes kept flashing before your eyes, preventing you from dozing off. You clung to the bed for support and shuffled towards your son's room, barefoot with bandages. He never used to sleep with the door locked, so you slipped inside and heaved a sigh of relief at seeing him peacefully asleep.

Slowly, you approached him, getting down on your knees and tenderly caressing his right cheek. Tears streamed down your eyes as you gazed at his face glowing under the moonlight. You gently tucked the blanket around him and switched off the AC, kissing his forehead and feeling a smile tug at your lips as he mumbled in his sleep.

"Sorry for everything Jae, Sorry for the slap too, sorry for not being a good mother but I just wanted to see you in the right direction, I don't want you to be like your dad at all seeing you talking about the club and everything made me realize you were exactly doing what he did years ago and as a mother, I don't want you to be like him, respect women Jae don't degrade them Seeing glimpses of young jungkook into you haunts me, Doesn't matter what I've to do but I will never let you be like him when you will get a girl for yourself you should respect her and be one man woman in your life, you are part of me a beautiful part whom I will be cherishing my whole life. good night sleep well" You gently pecked his right cheek again and then his forehead

While limping you made your way outside his room as you were going downstairs careful enough to trip on something you heard weird muffled voices from specifically towards the kitchen, you hesitantly followed the voices and the next scenario disturbed you

Even after knowing you should hate him and just move on still seeing him with someone else, touching someone else pained you like hell, a shiver went down your your spine

"Ahhhhh I c-can't take a-anymore d-daddy"

"J-just one more s-shot babe"

Your breath got unstable this is the second time you have noticed this type of vulgarity from them, he kept thrusting inside her while she was on the kitchen counter, his both hands inside her shirt

You stepped backwards and left with a heavy sigh, you couldn't even stop them you couldn't separate them knowing well that jungkook would never come back to you again you lost him or more like he lost you

[Morning ]

"Mrs cha can you just bring my restorer things from their room?" You asked one of the maids and she nodded her head before bowing down and leaving your side


"Wait no we can't get her here jimin" taehyung hurriedly sat on the chair and threw the sets of files at him motioning him to have a look at it

"The guy she's with currently used to be her brother-in-law so the elder sis is I guess a divorced person, their parents are OK with  everything going on "Taehyung uttered feeling disbelief that Hana could do something like that she was the type of a person who will sacrifice herself for other

"So what? We can't rail a divorced woman?" jimin uttered while analyzing the files carefully and highlighting a few lines

"YOU CAN but I will not and just let her keep aside from everything, it's better to torture their parents " taehyung suggested his eyes trying to read jimin's expressions

"Heck no! Look let me make you understand tae, that elder sis probably must be heartbroken right now so we can easily influence her and about Jeon that mother fucker who somehow had more chicks than me will surely come after his ex-wife men are shit they can fuck any random cunt they want but won't let their wives ride any dick and once jungkook will try to get the elder sis you can have Hana again till that time seeing the so-called love of her life chasing his ex-wife will break her and you just have to catch her but the most important thing if we kidnap the elder one you will stay away from her no catching feelings and stuff if she can make the playboy be in a relationship for years so you have to play smart, otherwise you will be the one who is going to be hurt " jimin uttered fixing his specks and a smirk formed on his face seeing taehyung deep in his thoughts

"Got it" taehyung shortly answered and looked at jimin to meet his gaze, surely everything was going to change forever in their lives


[Jungkook's pov]

I placed her on the bed wrapping her with the white blankets, her blonde hair scattered around the pillow and she weakly smiled at me after our night session

I caressed her hair and pecked her forehead genuinely, she made sure we were having sex all the time to reach my needs, and she made sure that I was satisfied unlike with y/n my sex life was boring as hell the more she started getting old the more it was getting boring

But the younger one is wild and I love that about her, we met five years ago in a situation where I needed to release my stress and she became the way to make me release my stress

It was just daily random fucks with her without any feelings attached but slowly and steadily when I started comparing both the sister I felt more for the younger one, I lied about my feelings about y/n

Y/n is not the one I wanted I don't know why I even got with her, from high school I was chasing Hana and to get near her I dated her elder sister and later convinced myself that I was into y/n after secretly dating her

But everything went back to its initial position when my nights encountered Hana's days, she's someone I want to protect at all costs, I never felt jealous seeing y/n with other men but when it was with Hana I was raging like a bull

She's just mine and always will these words always keep repeating inside me, I again kissed her jaw and snuggled into her crook I will never let her go at any coast

"I love you, Hana"
"I love you too jungkookshii"

Love you all 💜💙

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