chapter 20

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With a firm grasp, he lifted the thick rod and tapped it gently on the wooden floor, producing a faint, yet distinct sound that echoed in the room. landing it again on the man in front of him who was covered with blood and his eyes were desperate to get close. His naked body shivering with cold

"Burn him Right now" his voice roamed in the room as a few men dressed in all black started pouring the carnosine on the guy. The man in front of him smirked and threw his lit-up lighter on the man lying on the ground

"Dayum Taehyung easy man" The blondie uttered following Taehyung like a lost puppy, as the Furious man kept on moving outside the basement at a fast pace while clenching his fist "he deserves that for betraying me jimin. Make sure not a single man of ours leaves this place" he ordered in his usual dominant tone before going toward the exit of the place with his heavy steps making clicking sounds

"Wait! Are you going now? I mean isn't kids and Grandma out so we can go clubbing yo-" he halted his words as he noticed Taehyung halting in his place and turning around to face him. he almost gasped seeing his pissed face which was indicating him to shut up now.

He never messed with Furious Taehyung knowing how the consequences could be and how worse the situation could go on "Stop bugging me you already disturbed me Jimin, I was enjoying my time you bastard" Taehyung yelled which made Jimin roll his eyes at his friend's attitude

"Seriously? With whom huh? Got a chick or what Mr. Kim?" His words made Taehyung poke his inner cheek while folding his arms on his chest and slightly leaning on the wall "Nah just hooked with
Y/N" His casual voice made the blondie guy suck on his breath as he lightly gasped and gulped hard

"WHAT!? WHY? AFTER WARNING me to stay away from her you were there fucking her? Seriously Tae?" Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes again at Taehyung but the black-haired guy in front of Jimin just smiled and rubbed the back of his neck with a smile

"We ain't sharing her Park" Taehyung uttered which made Jimin look at him in disbelief as he licked his bottom lip before chewing on it lightly "What's with your sudden mood change and why we ain't sharing her Tae?" Jimin asked and tapped on the floor waiting for a better explanation from the guy in front of him

But without giving Jimin any sort of reaction or explanation, He made his way toward his car not looking behind at the desperate Eyes Jimin he waved at him before starting the engine of his car and drove through the estate hurriedly

"What The Fuck" Jimin cussed at the weird behavior of Taehyung and stood there suckling


[Taehyung's pov]

Slowly and steadily I walked through my home but halted at my pace when I noticed her figure resting her head on the table and awkwardly sitting on the couch, her face was Slightly covered with hair strands as she was still in my white shirt

Extending my steps toward her my heartbeat fastened. Getting on my knees my fingers without my permission tugged her hair strands behind her ear as I noticed a small smile dangling on her face

My hands were not in my control anymore when I caressed her cheek and a slight tint of red liquid grazed over her cheek, that filthy blood of that bastard.

I took the tissue from the tea table and rubbed it over her cheek, which made her move a little and slowly she opened her eyes to directly meet my face which was too close to her as our breath was getting mixed

She immediately straightened her posture and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands while looking at me confusingly "Ohh you came?" She sheepishly asked while standing up from her place and stretching her arms which made the white shirt she was wearing roll more upward, revealing her thighs clearly to my gaze

She immediately crunched the side of the shirt pulling it downward while clearing her throat, I chuckled and planted a kiss on her thighs As I was still on my knees. standing up and towering over her I pecked her lips again

"Let's have dinner together" She uttered while going toward the kitchen but before she could even move I again picked her into my arms and again pecked her lips

"Together? So you were waiting for me?" I asked and she hummed grasping my neck, It was like she was getting used to my clingy behavior toward her now and was not even complaining about it. That's how I'm A weird yet hot-in-bed clingy thing

Placing her on the dining Chair I sat beside her and she settled the plates for us "Don't worry I already heated the food some moments ago" Her words made me chuckle as I placed my hands over her thighs and she looked at me while serving the chicken curry which I made

Not answering or looking at her way My hands were still upon her soft flesh as I started to knead them lightly while chewing on the food
"It's delicious " she complimented and I smirked
"Not more than you" As my words came out of my throat, her body tensed up as I noticed her cheeks getting slightly red and she hitched her breath

Instead of the food my other hand also grazed her cheek, and my other hand went more toward her inner thighs, parting her legs as my lips made their way toward her neck kissing every bit of her skin

She slightly moaned when I sucked on a particular spot for few moments and pinched her inner thighs to part them more "T-Tae food" she uttered breathing out heavily while pushing me a little apart from her body

"You can be my food sweetheart"

Love you all 💜💙

Happy new year y'all!!! Let's make this year as the best year of our life and celebrate every bit of it !!!

Eat on time and don't over work. Be healthy and keep on loving yourself ♡♡

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