chapter 41

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"He hired a Fucking bastard to kill me? That mother fucker getting on my nerves now, Just in a few weeks I'm coming back to Daegu with My girl and Jae, Yea don't worry I'm still trying to find the important files here, these jeons are cunning"

"Alright your bro Jimin is here to make sure your other tasks, I've increased your security of yours outside the mansion but still make sure you carry your gun with yourself Taehyung and it's funny how That mother fucker hired a Fucking 25-year-old kid to finish you, To finish the lord"

"I ain't taking any further craps from him and Make sure My side profession in the under-world should be hidden from Jungkook and his men I fucking don't want y/n to know about all these stuff, I will call you later and take care of my people in Daegu"

He ended the phone call with a smile spread across his face as he entered the kitchen and back-hugged you resting his chin over your shoulder, you side peeked at him and confusingly smiled "What?" You asked slicing the veggies you want to put in the soup for Jae

"Nothing just thought how would you look in a bridal outfit" You blushed hard at his Remarks as he giggled noticing your stiff figure under his warmth, " Just me and you in the countryside as the piano is playing under the blossom tree and Just our family members to celebrate us" you nodded and turned toward him pecking his lips as your hands got wrapped around his neck

"Do we seriously have a lot of time?" he whispered against your lips as you both made eye contact while your lips still attached to his, "Yes a lot of time" Your answer made him smile more widely as he closed his eyes Attaching his forehead with yours

"We will be together till our last breath, sitting under a blossom tree, knitting scarfs for Jae's kids, watching Felix and Jackson bickering, and also OUR kids With their spouses enjoying their time on our farm isn't it nice?" He asked innocently as if he was imagining all these things while closing his eyes

"It is but how many kids do you want tae" You asked as his smile grew more wider against your lips "Five" He uttered casually as you almost gasped and looked at him with disbelief

"Why don't you increase a few more number till we make our own football team" You sarcastically answered making Taehyung laugh out loud at your words as he opened his eyes seeing you already giggling

"How I wish time could halt here where we both can just enjoy being together just like this," his words made you hug him tightly as you placed your head on his chest while closing your eyes and listening to his calm heartbeat, A warmth spread across your body feeling his hand slightly caressing your back and his chin upon your head

You both were too lost in your moment that you both didn't even notice who entered the kitchen, Jungkook rolled his eyes before throwing the glass from the kitchen counter onto the floor making you both divert your attention toward him

"Alas I'm so silly" He let out but his jaw was still clenched as he bent a little to pick up the pieces of the glass "Sorry to disturb you guys But I'm really thirsty and need water" he smiled but made intense eye contact with his last few words with you as you immediately awkwardly shifted your gaze from his but Taehyung's hands were still wrapped around you possessively as he grasped your hand tightly pulling you out of the kitchen when he saw the weird look of jungkook on you, he hated every bit of it.

Jungkook stood there clenching his fist as he punched the kitchen counter multiple times until his knuckles were in a red tint shade, he kicked the kitchen counter as he rubbed his sleeves on it too remembering you were just here laughing with Taehyung a few moments ago

[Jungkook's pov]

"Jungkook what about eunji? We have a child together and you want to leave me for her? What will I do jungkook? I fucking love you" Hana whispered near my lips as I rolled my eyes when her tears were kept on rolling from her eyes, She grabbed my shirt trying to pull it

"Let's have sex that will erase your thoughts about her from your mind" Her desperate attempts made me chuckle when I felt her trying to unbutton my shirt as her lips trailed around my crook, I lazily pushed her onto the wall as my one hand was enough to pin her both the hands, she kept on shedding tears

Her desperate eyes almost made me laugh at her more "J-Jungkook don't we are family, You love me so why are you fucking doing all these things? I can't try with you anymore, Loving you just brought me pain, For the last Eight months I have been trying to make our relationship work again but you are not putting a single effect it's like you don't even want us together anymore isn't it? So Why the fuck you even came to me in the start giving Me all fucking hope that you have feelings for me? I broke my own sister's family for us! I fucking ruined everything for us" She burst into tears as I had just a poker face, I brought my other hand near her cheek wiping her tears. I hate how I just myself Made a barrier of Hana between me and y/n, It's due to her, That Taehyung bastard just took advantage of our situation and pulled her out of the most crucial time of her when no one was with her and then she fucking confused her soft corner for that bastard as love

I hate everything about Taehyung, I hate how they are always happy together, I hate their sweet talks, I hate their clingy behavior with each other, and I hate the way that mother fucker keeps on flirting with her. I fucking want him dead so that I can get her back, I hate how she feels the safest around him and always smile or giggles at him but when it comes to me, it looks like I'm depressing her each second, she fucking fears me like I'm sort of an animal

After my every warning still she isn't backing off from Taehyung, I surely threatened her with her pictures but fuck man I ain't gonna let anyone see her naked or tempting pictures her every picture is for me, and if she really can't follow my words so I've to kill that bastard

"You can do anything for me right" I asked as she nodded with a smile "Go seduce Taehyung and have sex with him, Hana, If you can follow my words so maybe your jungkook will be back" My words snatched her smile as she shook her head crying more hardly, she yanked her head and wrapped it around me crying hard as I took my cigarette out of my pocket lit it up and inhaled deeply

I don't want him to die easily, I want to ruin his image before dying in front of y/n, I want to show y/n how there's always going to be me around her for everything she needs, I want to make her realize that the guy she was trusting cheated on her, I want to broke her so bad that in the last it will be me only who will be able to heal her

"I w-will do it for you" I smirked hearing her words as I chuckled.

I sipped on the juice as I remembered my previous encounter with Hana in the room, I was happy that finally, something was going well until I again saw that bastard with y/n in the kitchen having fun, I intentionally threw the glass on the floor to grab their attention toward me

I hate how they laugh together and always are happy, that should be in the place of Taehyung, holding her and telling random jokes as we both laugh loudly until the maids of the mansion can hear us too, I hate how he's taking my place in her life but jeon jungkook will never make her forget whom she belongs to and who jeon jungkook is

I will hunt her down till she will tremble with fear and surrender to me


Love you all 💙💜

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