chapter 13

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You stand in front of the mirror, meticulously inspecting every strand of hair on your head, trying to ensure that it looks perfect. All of a sudden, a loud thud from the north side of the room jolts you out of your thoughts. You turn around and see Taehyung hobbling out of the bathroom, his feet colliding with the wooden door. He grimaces in pain, and you express concern for him.

"That's for keep on lying to her," you comment, irritation seeping into your voice. Taehyung rolls his eyes and plops down on the bed. "Lies are beautiful if it's for something good," he mutters, expecting a rebuttal from you. However, to his surprise, you face him and cross your arms over your chest.

"Lies can never end on good terms, Mr. Kim," you assert, drawing from your own life experiences. You've learned a great deal about both yourself and the world around you from those experiences.

"We just have to keep up the act for a few days, Ms. Han. I'll pay you extra for it. Just go with the flow," Taehyung continues, bouncing on the bed and looking at you with a hopeful expression.

"You comfortable sharing the bed with me?" he asks teasingly. You immediately shake your head.

"No way are we sharing a bed, Mr. Kim. And as for the money, you don't have to pay me extra for anything. I'm just doing this for grandma," you say, leaning against the wall and observing Taehyung's face as it shines in the dim light.

"Alright, but I'll still make it up to you. And about sharing a bed, we can divide it into two sections," he suggests, pointing to the other side of the bed, acknowledging that it would be awkward, but that you don't have any other choice.

You ponder for a few seconds before grabbing the pillows and erecting a straight wall between the two of you, dividing the bed into two equal portions. You turn off the lamp beside you, but sleep eludes you. You've never shared a bed with any other man, apart from Jungkook. The idea of sleeping next to someone else feels strange and unsettling.

Taehyung observes your side and attempts not to laugh at your antics. You try your best to sleep by changing positions, but nothing seems to work. He props his elbow on the bed and places his cheek on his palm. "What?" you inquire when you notice him gazing at you with an array of questions in his eyes.

"How's life?" His sudden question made you take a deep breath and a cold sigh, even you don't know how's life "dead and just going on?" Your response made him more curious about you

"Was it worth falling in love?" He asked and your breath got stuck and you peeped at his face with a sly smile, your eyes giving a glimpse of regret in it "No that's the biggest mistake which I did" you answered making it clear what you were hinting about and whom you were hinting

"I thought I was the only one who thought in that way but here I got you, Ms. Han, The girl whom I wanted to meet my grandma disappeared from my life and spread her essence in someone else's life" You closed your eyes listening to him and a feeling of bitterness roams over your body

"Trust me my life is worse" he added which made you shoot open your eyes and look at him with different emotions floating in them, you both made eye contact with each other "My son doesn't acknowledge me as his mother, my husband was cheating on my from five years everyone knew about it even my son also knew about it except me who was played like a toy by them all Mr Kim, you never know who's going through what in their lives, we all got problems but isn't it's life so we have to fight back no matter what"  he took a deep sigh, he excepted this wordings from you but never thought talking about this would make you go teary which was not his intentions

"We both got cheated by our partners, didn't we? So you never thought about revenge?" His question made you chuckle at his remarks, you're now at a point in your life where you've come out of the human feelings. The hurt was so deep from your loved ones that you were not able to face them any further

"Revenge? What revenge Mr. Kim? From Whom I've to take revenge? I'm the one who's the side character in their story Mr. Kim. Why should I fight for someone who was never mine In the first place only? But I tried I still tried and did my best to not tear my pages from their books but I was just old and dusty which had to get removed and they did tear me" As your words ended you didn't expect him to wipe the tears which were falling from the side of your gaze continuously

"You must have loved that guy more than anything Ms Han but your tears ain't worthy of him anymore, forget about him and move on and I hope the day will surely come when you will again fall for Someone better" his words made you sigh but you presented a big smile at his sincere words, it was the first time in these years when someone was consoling you otherwise everyone just made you tear run every night

"I'm better without anyone right now, this metallic thing wrapped around my ring finger will keep reminding me about my love life which brought nothing but pain" You let out while showing him the ring around your metallic finger

He grasped your ring finger and gazed at it intensely before looking at your eyes with different emotions lingering in them

"Take it off then" his reply made you pull back your finger from his grasp  Immediately

"I will the day when I will finally move on and his every touch from my body will be erased completely,  him being with someone else will not hurt me anymore and maybe I will try to fall for Someone else a person who will love me just the way I'm" listening to your words he immediately sat on the bed and grasped your both hands in his and bought them near his chest


Love you all 💜💙

Won't lie but I'm enjoying writing about y/n and Tae Tae

BTW let's wait for our guys till 2025!!!! Hope a concert will be there in my country too where I can see them performing like the stars they are  !!
Seeing them going through military stuff makes me feel so many emotions ngl

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