chapter 27

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[Y/n's pov]

I bite my bottom lip as the person in front of me, breaks down into tears her hands roaming on Jae's cheek as she keeps on Sobbing, her black hair is not black anymore but her aura is intimidating

I looked over at Taehyung who held me tightly in his embrace, I smiled at him and he responded with a quick peck on my lips. The lady whom I used to call my mom once turned toward me as her eyes scanned me from head to toe. She fixed her speck and her eyes got stuck on Taehyung's hands which were wrapped around me

"Y-Y/N" she shuttered as her eyes moistened more and some tears slipped through her eyes, A rare sight to watch, to be honest, I'd never seen her cry and this was the first time I'd seen such a break point in her life maybe it's because of Jae? she never accepted me as her daughter in law that doesn't mean that she hated Jae, It's her grandson and I know how much she loves Jae

"Mrs.jeon he's Much better now don't worry, We should be thankful to Jera that she brought him to the hospital quickly." I completed my words with a heavy sigh, she came a bit closer to me, and patted my head, her face showing a smile that unknowingly felt genuine after years. We never shared a deep bond but I won't lie that I always respected her because of her firm decisions and being bold.

Her eyes teared up again but she didn't let the tear roll down in front of me "he?" She asked looking at Taehyung who was still beside me holding me tight in his embrace, We both shared a glance at each other, and before I could even answer he let out in his usual intimidating tone

"Boyfriend, Y/N's Boyfriend Kim Taehyung Upcoming CEO of Rainel Empire" his words dripped a thick yet classy Attitude of him, as he extended his other hand toward her for a handshake which she accepted with a smile dangling on her face

"T-Th at's great, You guys Look good t-together, It's great to see you again after years y/n, I hope you will do much better in your life and you too Mr. Kim" she ended her words with a genuine smile and patted taehyung's shoulder "Be a Great man to her, I will be back after few calls, you guys can have your privacy" as her words ended the door again burst opened and we all looked at the door for the person who just arrived

My heart sank and the memories started hitting me quickly as I again saw her, she was as always looking beautiful but something, like A charm, was missing on her face which always used to be there

"U-Unnie" She let out as she tried extending her hands toward me but before that taehyung pulled me away, his grip tightened on my figure when I saw his gaze which was burning looking at her, it clicked me suddenly what they shared, and I gulped

"Why are you even here!? Because of you, my son is in this position today" Mrs.jeon yelled but still remained calm to not create any scene but pure warth was dripping from her tone for Hana, she pushed her from her arm and pointed her index finger toward her

"Get out! Before your so-called Husband comes to pick you up from here, It's due to both of you that my Grandson is in this position! You fucking put the Heir of the jeon family in danger" I listened to her and was shocked to know that Mrs.jeon just casually uttered such words for her son? Whom she loves more than anything in this world but right now the hating energy was radiating from her each word

"WOAH WHAT ABOUT MY CHILD? JUST BECAUSE SHE'S A GIRL YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HER THAT DAY WHEN SHE WAS ALMOST ABOUT TO DROWN YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING CHECK ON HER" Hana yelled this time in a louder tone as tears escaped through her eyes, their family drama was getting worse when Mrs.jeon looked at her with her ragging eyes, She hates when someone yells at her doesn't matter if it's her own husband, she knows how to put people on their place

"OF COURSE Jae is the Heir and the first child of this generation of Jeons so no matter what his importance for our family won't fade, it's your cunning brain that functions always negatively, I love Eunji and Jae equally, both are my children and How the fuck you're putting gender here when it's the tradition of our Family to make the older one always hold the responsibility, You never understood our family. God knows from where that useless son of mine found you, no family moral or anything just fucking arguments every dammn morning, DO you even realize how you're affecting both Jae and eunji? After having daily arguments with jungkook you take your anger on Eunji, It's me who's saving my little princess from you otherwise God knows what you're going to do with both the children" Her words me gasp after knowing what type of situation was going in their family, it's not my right to invade their privacy but it's just not about them but also my son

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