chapter 46

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[Jera's POV]

Tears left my eyes noticing Jae Kissing one of the Queen bees of our school whom I Hate most in our school, As We made tight eye contact he didn't even make any moment or try to detach himself from the girl but continued what he was doing, I took the Basketball in my grasp and threw it right on her head making everyone gasp around us as I threw laugh at the crowd

"FUCKING JEALOUS BITC-" they both broke the kiss looking at me but before she could even proceed further, I threw another ball at her face and then another one at Jae that legendary mother fucker but he tossed it easily

I stormed toward him pushing the girl aside, even though I was too short in front of him I was surely intimidating him, Snapping my finger, My one of the bitch grasped the blonde's hair into her grasp as I again trailed my attention toward him and slapped him across his face, he still didn't make any movement even when his swollen lip was Slightly bleeding due to the harsh impact of my slap

"I Was fucking with you in your worst or good moments, I supported you when you were depressed and suicidal, I helped you to decrease your addiction to alcohol or cigarette, I got many better options in front of me but I still was with you Jae to only to notice you to waste your first kiss on someone else?" I let out trying to sound strong which I wasn't currently due to everything going on around me

"I want to end everything between us" he let out simply as If it was too easy for him to play with my feelings to just destroy me in the end with his cruelty "There was nothing between us but at least, The hope one day you will make us official tied me with you Jae-ahh! We should get split instead of just being toxic like this, You just used me when you were low, and when you finally are healing you got another chick? Carry on I'm proud of you" I patted his shoulder again Snapping in the air to let the blonde go, I looked at her and flashed a smile

"We are still in a Race love, Maybe I lost my dude to you but not other things" I winked at her Before again harshly wiping my tears and Tieing my hair into a high ponytail, I Picked up my bag and stormed from there angrily

[End of Jera's POV]

"Loved it!! I mean Your thighs on me" Your eyes grew wider as you punched his chest making him laugh to vibrate and making you blushed at his Remarks "Stop it Tae-ahhh" you let out and when you tried to push him away through his chest, His arms again got wrapped around your waist in a possessive manner

"Wanna go for another Round? At least Like yesterday that Man won't ruin our moment again here, the way he ran calling out your name was so funny, he still has feelings for you y/n it's better we leave this place as soon as possible" you agreed with his each words making you nod lightly, you won't say anything more as you knew where this convo can halt later on

"Let's not talk about him, What do you think about the names of our kids" you let out to change the topic and this was your genuine question too which you wanted to ask for a long time

"Umm, Tae Hyun, Yera, yehyun, yeri, aehyun, and maybe Taeri" He let out making you giggle at his cute yet never heard of such names before "Did you just ship us Taehyung? Yehyun?" You asked making him nod slowly as he pecked your lips again making you squeal in happiness in his arms

"I hope we both will just stay like this forever naked and in each other's arms forever"

[Jungkook's pov]

I increased the gear of my car as I didn't care what the speed was now, The only thing which kept on flashing inside my brain was her being with that bastard, my tears kept on blurring my gaze

I sobbed as my tiny voice was stuck in the car, The windows were rolled down off my side to give Mr another air to at least soothe me but still, it was getting hard to breathe, I bit my bottom too hard to suppress my sobs but it was not helping at all remembering the yesterday's incident in the kitchen

That bastard stole my place, He touched her, kissed her and God knows what they both did together, I was quiet till now thinking she must have waiting for me and let not have that bastard touch her

But again and again, I was proved wrong, He fucking stole her from me, I never felt such immense hatred for anyone ever in my life, I clutched the gear tightly as my knuckles turned white. The way her legs which used to be wrapped around me were wrapped around him, her arms wrapped around his neck, his fucking dirty hands inside her hoodie, the place which just belonged to me he touched those places too

My breath hitched as I Hit my chest trying to breathe, My tears were not stopping and my head was hurting too badly, I took the bottle of wine from beside me and gulped it in one go, unbuttoning my shirt, I cried almost shouting her name

The pain she's making Me go through right now with that mother fucker, I won't forget I will erase every fucking touch of his from her body, The pain I will give him to touch her he will regret getting with her in the first place

Just as I will again grasp her in my arms I will fucking rail her every night to make her feel what actually having sex means That tiny dick won't even reach her g-Spot. I fucking just hate him, SHE'S FUCKING MINE THE ONLY GUY WITH WHOM SHE SHOULD HAVE SEX


my eyes got more blurry remembering the worst thing I saw in front of my eyes yesterday, I breathed heavily as I didn't even notice when my car got closer to the truck coming toward me, light flashed in front of my eyes making my eyes shut and before I could take a turn or press brake

I felt my head bumping on the steering wheel, And I don't know what happened But a screeching sound crossed my ears enough to make them bleed, and before closing my eyes yesterday's scenario again played in front of my blurry eyes

But her face again flashed in front of my eyes and I finally closed my eyes

Is this is my end?

Love you all 💙💜

I don't like writing more than sixty chapters so basically, the end is coming near and I've decided everything, Maybe I will try to update faster so that I can complete this book within a few days or before the start of February. This is the only way that can save you all from the suspense

I will give another update so have patience as this book might extend to 55-60 chapters

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