chapter 7

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Jae had a mouthful of dinner as he turned to Hana and asked, "Where did she go, Dad?" Hana gently patted Jungkook's thighs and jungkook responded, "I'm not sure, but doesn't it feel better now, son? We finally have what we all wanted." The table was quiet for a moment, the only sounds coming from the clinking of utensils against plates and the occasional swallow. The room was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from a single lamp on the kitchen counter. Despite the peaceful atmosphere, a sense of unease lingered in the air.

"Hmm yea it's better without her here we all can live like a family isn't it Mom" Jae let out and Hana put the chicken flesh into his plate more while nodding

"I know Jae but you know right she has given you birth, not your dad's wife anymore but still your mother so I hope you won't have any further problems with her and sometimes try to meet her, She loves you and I've seen it son" Hana uttered looking at jungkook and he nodded at her words with a smile

"Yeah your mom is right son, our relationship has broken but not yours with her Jae if not daily so at least try to meet her weekly or whenever you feel to"jungkook exclaimed while clenching Hanna's thighs and smiling at his parents

"Yes, I'm so lucky to have Hana as my daughter-in-law better than that woman, if we knew the younger sister was this mature and exactly the type of girl Jeon wanted we would have forced jungkook to marry Hana" Mrs jeon exclaimed and again the table got quiet, jungkook uneasily put another piece of meat into his mouth

["Jungkook, if we ever end up together then can you just hold my hand on a rainy day and ought me to never leave my side? I want our mini-version to run in our house, our dream house where You will be just mine and I will be just yours]

A flood of the words you said to him flowed through his mind, he roamed his eyes here and there in the room and his eyes halted at a particular place the place where you used to sit

That chair was empty and maybe forever will now from now on

The dinner went at peace, the family had their good times together while laughing or joking about some stuff, they didn't feel your presence anymore as if you never existed in their life

[Y/n's pov]

Today was my first day here and surprisingly Mr. Kim let me arrange my room in the staff quarter and allowed me to start working tomorrow, looking at the clock on the table beside my bed gave me a little idea that Jeon's family must be having their dinner right now

I combed my hair neatly doing a loose braid with it my eyes caught my ring finger which still had a silver metal around it, For how long would I wear it? I may sound pathetic but somewhere still I'm in love with him how can you move on from a person in just a few years with whom you spent almost all your life

I still crave his presence and still hope that he will again come to me soon and realize my importance in his life but if he can't realize my worth in 16 years how can I expect him to realize it now when he got a much better person in his life

How can I hate her when she's too sweet for me? I feel like a bitch cussing her all the time, I want to strangle her with my own hands I'm on the verge of my life where I want to kill my sister the same little sister whom I used to tug to sleep once upon a time, the same sister whom I used to feed with my own hands

Was I seriously that boring that he didn't have any option but to cheat on me with her only? So all these years He spent with me were just fake? How can he be this reckless? I put my dignity on his shoes to be with him and he steps over it

Wiping the tears again which fell from my eyes once again like always remembering our relationship, I can never touch him again, I can't even be near him. Maybe we were never meant for each other

Laying on the bed I hugged the blanket and my tears kept falling remembering his memories, he just used me just the way taehyung wants to do now

I knew Hana and taehyung had been together for a long time but didn't know when they ended their relationship and now I'm sure Me getting the job this early without any experience is not a coincidence but some trap

I know taehyung from my school days maybe he doesn't know that we were in the same school and uni also, he's that popular bad guy who hates losing and now when he has tons of power how can he back off

Everyone is selfish, we have No one here even our shadow is going to leave our side one day so how can we expect humans to stay with us

I will just work for him till I earn a little and will be able to shift somewhere far away from everyone only I need a medium to be close to Jae, as a mother I can never imagine being away from my son but the lines of our faith isn't in my hands


Love you all 💜💙

1k within seven chapters ??? Imma cry on it !!! Thanks for being patient y'all I will not let anyone of you down

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