chapter 42

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I kept banging my fist on the bar counter as My Head was hurting due to the consumption of too much alcohol, I parted my lips gulping more but the sudden touch around my wrist yanked my hand "Let it out, You just can't keep every secret to yourself even if you blabber for hours I'm all ears" Jin hyung's words comforted me as I looked over namjoon who was tipsy and went toward the other room to sleep

"I hate them together, I just fucking want that kim taehyung to die most brutally, I hate their skinships. I hate when he touches her and she lets him do that too" I groaned as I put my forehead on the counter

"So why did you cheat on her" His straight question kind of triggered me a I went through a few years back again, I immediately maintained my posture looking at him away with a poker face

"Seven years ago I got a few messages from an unknown number Saying that My wife, My y/n is fucking cheating on me, I ignored it many times but later I started getting a few pictures and videos of them together, Many inappropriate pictures A husband would never appreciate of his wife with another man. I was quiet all the time ragging like a bull, I wanted to confront her but I never wanted to hear from her mouth 'Yes I cheated on you as I got bored of you' These words would have been enough to kill me hyung, One year went just like that with her betraying me behind my back but this caused a lot of fights between us, I distant myself from her as touching her skin which that mother fucker touched was equal to hell, we kept on bickering with each other not only our relationship got affected but also Jae got affected due to us, Due to our fights Jae's mental health was worsening I put all the blame on her and one day I fucking killed that bastard, But I didn't felt peace, to let her go through the same pain I Wanted to emotionally unstable her just like me, I cheated on her with her sister to make her feel vulnerable and all the feelings I felt seeing her betraying me, I loved every bit of it when she was crying, begging, stopping me and doing every fucking shit to be with me, I loved every moment of it seeing her this low for me that she even accepted my cheating to not let me go away from her, neither I wanted her to go away from me that's why I made her kind of stuck with me for five years in a toxic situation where we both were getting hurt, My hate for her grew this much that I wanted her to feel the worse. I intentionally had sex with Hana in front of her to break her more until we were on the verge of divorce, I thought she would keep on denying the Divorce but in the last, she agreed to it, She fucking agreed to divorce me, and leave my side, I hated the fact that she got tired chasing me I wanted her to chase me more and crave for me just like I did. I wanted to make her regret for divorcing me so I finally decided to marry her sister, Hana was an easy target for me, all over on her knees for me. Hana got pregnant due to me and for a few moments when she revealed her pregnancy, I thought I should move now too Just like how easily y/n moved on and found herself a job But I was the one stuck like a fucking asshole on the first chapter of our book, I still thought that she would come for me one day until nine or ten months ago A lady who was trying to attack me confronted me saying I killed her husband, she was the lady who was a widow of that guy whom I killed and whom I thought who was with y/n, she was planning to kill me from years, I confronted her saying that her husband was cheating with my wife on us seven years ago but she revealed me that They were not even in Korea From the past ten years, they just came here Six years ago and actually met y/n too, Y/n and that guy were childhood canvas partner and when he and his wife were excepting a baby he wanted his wife to meet y/n so they all just met once In a Cafe and later returned to Australia, That's why it took my men's to kill that guy few days"

[End of Jungkook's POV]

[Jin's pov]

I watched as his each word shattered him making his eyes teary, he fell onto the counter again hiding his tears which were falling like rivers from his eyes, I patted his shoulder to comfort him but he kept on Sobbing

"I never knew things would turn out like this hyung, My insecurity and possessiveness over her ruined everything, at least it was all a lie that she was cheating on me but what about now hyung? She actually found a guy for her, She was never involved with a guy before but now she is hyung, I can't see her with someone else"

He sobbed completing his words as he wiped his tears hugging me tightly

"Why didn't you kill her when you misunderstood that she cheated on you?" I asked as he pulled back from the hug and almost pushed me from himself

"Fucking hell!!! Are you out of your mind? How can I kill her hyung She's the same person for whom I fucking did every shit, she's the same person for whom I Fucking abandoned everything to just be with her in her warmth hyung, I FUCKING HATE KIM TAEHYUNG, I CURSE HIM THAT HE WILL NEVER GET

He shouted as he fainted over the counter making me sigh, I looked over at Namjoon who was on the couch glaring at us "So he got to know that About that guy? Fucking hoe I was providing her money to shut her mouth but still, she revealed everything" namjoon was burning like a fireball while stomping his feet on the ground

"What will I do? If he gets to know that I was the one who created all these misunderstandings between them? I will not harm jungkook but he will harm me for sure but now our main aim is KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG, when I thought finally she's away from jungkook and I can finally grasp her I my cage another bastard showed up"

He pulled Jungkook's figure with him in his arms taking him toward the Guest room, they may fight for the same girl but their 'bro code' goes on

I took a deep breath to engulf my mind in everything, My both close brother-like figures fighting over the same girl who belongs to someone else, Who should I support now? Jungkook or Namjoon? I don't want them to ruin their relationship for a girl. Namjoon never went this crazy for someone and the same goes for jungkook

Everything keeps getting on messier with each passing second, Jungkook is going through the worst and Namjoon can't get over his crush or liking toward that girl from high school

"GOD protect these two"

Love you all 💙💜

Well every character Is important here so don't just think they are some side characters for a few moments

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