chapter 26

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[Jera's pov]

"Jae FOR FUCK SAKE TELL ME THE PLACE YOU'RE RIGHT NOW, DON'T GO ANYWHERE I'M COMING" I yelled over my phone as Jae chuckled bitterly sending me his current location. I already assumed it was a club but still wanted to make sure. He again drank and broke the promise he made to me

I hurriedly put my leather jacket over my tank top and shorts as I grabbed my sneakers and just messily made a bun, I took my palm over my chest and sighed heavily 'Sorry God I'm again sneaking because of that guy' I let out jumping over my window and made sure not a single staff of our home saw me, the guards are usually in the front gate so I took the back gate to sneak where luckily not a single CCTV camera is there

I belong to an Orthodox family with high morals and high standards but still, my other siblings and I make sure to enjoy our youth instead of being tied to many rules. We have churches all across South Korea and also many 5-star hotels all around Asia so that's one of the reasons why I've to take so many precautions but because of this bastard I've always broken many Rules

I can't take my car right now due to it being on the other side of the mansion so I just grabbed my bike which I usually park behind the mansion, in the old garage. Thanks to Jae I also started riding bikes and he's the one who taught me to ride it

I quickly drove off to the club where he was all wasted, I sighed and parked the bike, and Ran inside the club which is his friend's circles usual place to come over and party, I roamed my eyes here and there and finally got his glimpse who was at the bar counter with many drinks in front of him, I hate to see him in such state, He's going through depression from a few months ago and I'm the only one who knows about it

I went over to him and I saw his eyes kept on flickering and his hands trying to hold the shots, I yanked the shot from his grasp putting it on the bar counter, and his furious eyes met mine but soon his Bunny smile took over his face, he rubbed the back of his neck clenching around my waist and giggling holding me

I rolled my eyes, as I angrily with the index finger knuckle tapped on his head 'Ouch' he let out as I tried my best to not remain my cool now before beating the shit out of him. "J-Jera My g-girlfriend" he hiccuped letting out while slowly rubbing his face on my bare stomach. "Let's go" I coldly let out and held his arm trying my best to pull this guy but he didn't even make any movement but now I was the one to sit over his lap

"Can We kIsS fOr oNcE" he let out as the strong smell of alcohol made me puke as I tapped his cheek lightly to get him on his usual cold dude behavior "I ain't kissing a fucking drunk ass like you, as I said no virginity losing and no lip kissing until you make me your official girl in front of everyone or die single Jae the legendary creature" he chuckled listening to me as his face dived into my crook. I'm not here for cuddling after fucking dropping 'jujutsu kaisen' to get him here

"Yahh Get your ass out otherwise I'm chopping your dick into pieces" I warned him but to my surprise today he didn't even make any comment or anything but slowly breathing over my neck, I hate how vulnerable he's right now. My Jae is a strong man, not this drunk ass

I yanked myself from his hold as I stood again in my place and he started whining which made me cringe, to be honest, I took out my phone clicked his picture, and made some videos of him to tease later

I kept stepping back to get a better picture of him until a tight grasp held my waist tightly making me gasp, I immediately turned back and saw a man in his late 40s smiling at me while eyeing my figure from head to toe

"How much?" I got disgusted with his statement as he tried to touch me but I pushed his hand "Sorry I'm 17 and not a member of this club so fuck off you dick" I yelled over his face with a smile but he furiously grabbed my hand and yanked me toward him

"Young cunt I see, it will be nice to fuck you with my knife bitch" I tried pushing him as he took out the knife from the back of his pocket and pointed at my face
But he can do anything a tight grip pulled me from behind and a kick went on that old man's stomach as he stumbled on his place

"FUCKING ASSHOLE" Jae shouted as I gulped knowing well he was out of his mind right now and what he has done to some other guys who tried hitting on me, I clenched his hands trying to drag him but he didn't even move a bit

"Jae l-let's go" I shuttered as Jae pushed me to the side and the old man tried to shoot a kick too but my man right there easily dodged it, I gasped when their fight turned worse, Before I could even again pull Jae. Jae took the glass bottle of alcohol from the counter bumping the man's head with it and he groaned falling down but before that, his knife that he was holding gave a long scratch over Jae's arm and pushed him toward the counter where his head also hit the glassy bar counter breaking it into pieces

I gasped loudly as the old man fell on the ground and Jae over the counter, my hands trembling when I touched him as my tears already made their way out of my eyes and I started Sobbing

He weakly looked at me and tried touching my arm

"A-Are you h-hurt a-anywhere?" His voice was weak and he shuttered while trying to stand but his head which was bleeding fell over my arms as his hands tightly got wrapped around my waist
I know this guy is a fucking red flag for me but I know for a fact too that he loves me and adores me more than anything, I can't leave this guy even after many rubbish arguments of ours. I just feel like I can heal him, even being in this state he's still asking me if I'm OK or not? Is he serious right now

"I L-Love y-you" were his last few words as he finally got unconscious and I silently cried but this was not the right time as I had to be strong and get into a hospital

The crowd around us started fading away as I gritted my teeth at the inhuman behavior of these people


[Y/n's pov]

I looked over at Jere who was sleeping on the couch after looking after Jae for hours when we were not reached here, I tugged a warm blanket around her as I also put a pillow under her head. Caressing her tear-tinted cheeks I pecked her forehead

"How's he now?" I looked over at Taehyung as he closed the door before coming toward me and engulfing me in a tight hug, I sobbed lightly and hugged him back
"The doctor said the knife has not scratched him badly but he has hit the table quite  strongly so it will take time for him to wake up again, maybe like Till night he will open his eyes" I broke the hug as he wiped my tears and pecked my lips

"Don't worry he's a strong child, and you're his strong momma so stop crying now, Eat something otherwise I've to force you  sweetheart, I can't risk with your health
" I sighed as my hunger died after looking At Jae who was wrapped with bandages and an oxygen mask covering his dried lips

"Jera also has not had anything since last night, it's almost 9 Am so let her take some rest then we all can have something together," I said as Taehyung picked me in his arms and settled on the chair beside Jae's face and he gently settled me on his lap, I adore taehyung alot, he again left his office work and important meetings for me.

He gently wrapped his finger around Jae as I caressed his cheek which was cold "Each time I meet him he looks more taller and mature" he let out while slowly patting his hand

I sniffed and pecked Taehyung's cheek "Don't worry I called Jimin he will handle the guy who harmed Jae, Felix, and Jackson are already in school and Mom and Dad have had their breakfast and medicine" I smiled, He knows too much about me, he understands me like no one ever did, his blonde hair fell on my cheek as he rested his head on my crook but his hands never left Jae's fingers

"JAE MY CHILD" I immediately stood on my feet when I heard a familiar voice and the door of the private VIP room of the hospital where we and Jae are right now slowly opened revealing one of the figures of the Jeon family, I knew I had to face them but this early?

I clenched my fist tightly seeing the person in front of me, who's eyes widened looking at my figure as if they have seen a ghost or something

Love you all 💜💙

What do you think how's the story going on? Give some opinions so I can improve or add further things to the story, but I can't originally change the whole plot! As I've already made up my mind about how to give this fanfic a flow and also how it's going to end.

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