chapter 14

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As he spoke, you hung onto his every word, your eyes widening with anticipation. His face drew closer to yours, and as your gazes locked, he flashed his trademark boxy smile. You noticed the way his eyes crinkled at the corners and the slight dimple that appeared on his left cheek when he smiled.

Suddenly, he released your hands from his grip and plopped down on the bed, bursting into raucous laughter. his infectious laughter soon had you rolling your eyes at him

"HAHAHAHA I WAS JUST KIDDING BUT LOOK AT YOUR FACE, MS.han," he exclaimed between fits of giggles. You rolled your eyes at his silly joke and threw the pillow that was between you two at him. He caught it mid-air and tossed it back at you, still chuckling.

But he kept on laughing uncontrollably, clutching his stomach. His laughter was starting to get on your nerves, so you threw a few more pillows at him. To try and dodge them, he rolled off the bed and fell onto the floor. You watched as he lay there for a moment, his eyes closed and his chest heaving with laughter.

"MR. KIM, HOW'S YOUR BUTT?" you exclaimed, laughing so hard that your eyes started to tear up. Meanwhile, he groaned as he touched his hips and winced in pain. Despite his discomfort, you couldn't help but find the situation hilarious.

"YAHHHH!" he yelled in frustration, but you just kept on laughing at his antics. As you both caught your breath, you noticed the way the moonlight was filtering through the window, casting a cold glow over the room. You couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of laughter and joy with him. After a long time, you were laughing

You gasped when he threw a pillow at you which straight hit your head, "MR. KIM STOP" You shouted while throwing another pillow at him. He smirked Evily dozing all the pillow off him and climbed the bed successfully

As you were about to throw another pillow he clasped your hands and pinned them over the headboard, your back hit the headboard and your chest kept going up and down

"I didn't know that you were this feisty " his words were so deep and near your face that his breathing was hitting your lips. You tried getting your hands off his grip but it was impossible

Finally, after a few attempts you yanked your hands from his grip and his smirk widened, you gulped before again laying on the bed and tightly clasping the blanket around your chest
Your back facing him as you tried your best to fake your sleep "GOOD NIGHT" he whispered near your ear and chuckled looking at your tensed back

As you both tried your best to sleep not aware of the two people sticking their ears to the wooden door of his room, trying to figure out what was going on

"Mrs Kim t-they were doing what?" One of the closest nurses' of grandma who follows her obediently everywhere to take care of her asked in a low tone with a red shade spread across her cheek after listening to all the muffled sounds from inside and especially the bumping of the bed because of you Boths silly pillow fight

Grandma rolled her eyes and pulled her hand going downstairs toward her room
"Give Me some good Korean names of kids Mrs. Lee, at least before dying I will be able to see my tae's little versions"

He fixed his black leather jacket and again put the cigarette between his lips
"I'm proposing to her for marriage hyung, I think it's the right time now and I love her just so dammn much that I can't wait anymore to call her as my wife, the fact she is wife my but I want the world to know it too" jungkook uttered taking out the gold box in which he especially designed the ring for her

"Congrats Jeon I'm always supporting you in everything but don't you think you are going too fast? You just divorced Y/N recently and now you are thinking of getting married again" the brown-haired man spoke with discomfort lying in his each words

"I don't think so hyung, I already married her one year ago secretly when I was married to y/n and now when I'm finally divorced I think I should reveal my relationship with Hana in front of everyone" he uttered smoking while groping the railing of the window tightly and enjoying the midnight view of Seoul from the balcony of his penthouse

"What about Jae? Is he fine with you marrying again jungkook?" His hyung again uttered and jungkook smiled victoriously "Hyung guess what? Jae is the one who wants me to marry Hana as fast as possible, he accepted her two years ago only. My son is just so smart hyung he knows what's good for him, he remembers me of my teenage days, the same eye which wants nothing but to conquer this world just like me" his words halted and the smile of Hyung's face disappeared at his friend's voice

"He's still a kid jungkook, he doesn't know the difference between good and bad he just wants things which can satisfy him and here I can agree that he surely reminds me of you when you were younger, you remembered the first day of y/n in the high school? The way she came in front of our cars to save that puppy? And the bullying relationship you had with her? And especially your biggest competitor with whom you fought your best to conquer her heart? You literally fought with everyone for her, fought with your family, fought with tons of guys for her then suddenly what happened that now you divorced her? I came from London to wish you guys your 16th anniversary and here everything shattered down already" he completed his words feeling worse because he knows you from high school and he knew how much jungkook was in love with you, he had seen the desire for you, he has seen the passion he had for you, he has seen his obsession for you, he has seen the kind of love which jungkook did to you never in his whole life

"Please hyung stop it. I can't repeat myself again and again that I fell out of love and now I desire someone else and that's Hana I love he-" his hyung cut him off between his words and harshly yanked him toward him to face him

"STOP THAT FUCKING CRAP! You fall out of love? Are you fucking serious or what? You fucking killed people for her, I can't believe your words jungkook I still know that just like before you can't bear seeing her with another guy jeon. I'm sure she still loves you jeon get her before it's going to be so late, ask for forgiveness and she will give you that too jeon it's still not that late but don't let other guys come into your relationship jungkook, you already bought that Hana between you two but if another guy will come in her life then there's going to be no way for you to get her back, You will regret it so bad jeon! Can you bear seeing her in someone else's arms? Can you bear seeing her in someone else's be- "Before the brown-haired guy can even complete his words jungkook pushed him apart from him

"STOP IT HYUN-" the brown-haired man cut him off and gritted his jaw before landing a punch onto jungkook's jaw "NO I WILL NOT JUNGKOOK! YOU CAN'T EVEN HEAR MY WORDS ABOUT HER BEING WITH ANOTHER MAN AND YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT YOU fell out of love huh? I can't see you like this jungkook, you are going to be too late jeon, too late that Hana is a bitc-" jungkook cut off his words and landed a punch on his hyung's face, for the first time he raised his hands on his hyung and more than the physical pain the mental pain was killing the brown-haired guy

"I FUCKING LOVE HANA AND I CAN'T HEAR A SINGLE WORD ABOUT HER HOSEOK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE US TOGETHER THEN YOU ARE FREE TO GO BACK TO LONDON BUT YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT HANA AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED WITHIN TWO DAYS" listening to his words harsh yet cold j-hope's eyes got teary for the first time he hated jungkook the most in his life, he backed off with a smile dangling in his face and tear breaming from the corner of his eyes

"Congrats on your new life but don't you dare come back to me for help jeon, I'm happy y/n is not anymore with you and I pray to God she will never be with you again. I'm dead for you from now on thanks for everything jeon and I hope y/n will get someone much better than you "


Love you all 💜💙

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