chapter 18

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[Y/n's pov]

As I lay on the bed next to him, I gazed out at the balcony and watched the rain pour down. The scent of wet earth wafted into the room, filling my senses. He held me close with his strong, muscular arms wrapped tightly around my waist, while we were both cosily snuggled under a warm blanket. The sound of the rain hitting the rooftop was soothing, and I felt safe and content in his embrace.

I can't believe we did it, this is the first time in my life that apart from my ex-husband another male touched me but I can't lie to myself that I needed the male touch a lot after whatever was happening to me these days. I was so frustrated and badly broken that I needed something to calm me down, but the guilt that I just used him as a reliever was eating me up

His warm breath tickled my earlobes as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist. I could feel his chiseled abs pressed against my back as he pulled me closer to him. The sensation sent shivers down my spine "It's 10 pm only" his horsey voice roamed near my ears

we both tumbled into a deep slumber that lasted for approximately 5 to 6 hours, I turned to face him and found him already staring intently at me with his captivating gaze. His arms pulled me closer to him as he tilted his neck to peck my lips

I gently nudged his chest with my hand, prompting a heavy sigh from him. He reached out and ran his fingers over my cheek, looking at me with concern. "Are you hungry?" he asked, "Shall I order something for us?" I shook my head, "It's not a good idea to order anything at this hour," I replied, "Don't worry, I'm quite a good cook. I'll whip us up something delicious."

"You sure you can cook?" He asked while eyeing my hands which were clutching the blanket tightly around my chest "Yeah" As soon as I responded, he leaned in and planted another quick kiss on my lips. I was surprised to discover that he was more affectionate than I had anticipated. He then reached for the white shirt that he had tossed on the nightstand earlier and effortlessly lifted me to sit on his lap.

He insisted that I put on his shirt, and his gaze became fixated on my neck after he noticed the numerous hickeys. I felt powerless to stop him from touching me, and he effortlessly began to button the shirt, ensuring that the top two buttons were left undone.

He messily made a bun of my hair and wrapped his arms around my waist as his face was resting on my crook, "So Ms Hann what would you like to eat?" He asked while he  closed his eyes and his hot breath touching my skin "Or would you like me eating you again" his words made me hitched and I tried removing his hands but they got stronger "Kiddin-" he sassily let out while chuckling and I rolled my eyes

His hands went under my knees as he picked me up in a bridal style "WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I yelled but he kept moving outside of the room while taking me downstairs toward the kitchen, I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck until he made me sit on the kitchen island, he wore the apron and winked at me playfully while blowing a kiss

"Seriously?" I shook my head at his behavior and he laughed out loud "Umm chicken curry seems best for now" he uttered while taking the packs of already marinated chickens from the refrigerator "You know how to cook?" I asked and he pushed his hair behind while nodding "Of course, you sit and enjoy " I smiled lightly at his caring gestures toward me

I kept staring at him until his phone started to vibrate and our attention went toward it. He warmly smiled at me before throwing a genuine smile and picking up the call

"Hmm fine! And stop calling me unless it's important. I will be there in a few hours" he let out while putting back the hair strands behind my ear "Make sure to prepare all the equipment " he ended his call and pecked my lips again before rubbing my bare thighs

As his hands were about to slide a little above, I caught his wrist making him halt and look into my eyes "You going somewhere?" I asked and he nodded but his arms got wrapped around my waist as he was trying to pull me toward his warmth

"After the dinner with you. I will be back in just a few hours" I broke the hug and nodded at his statement, he was again about to land his lips on mine but before that, I slightly pushed him

"If you keep sticking to me like a magnet you will surely set everything on fire," I said jokingly at his silly attempts to keep touching me or pecking my lips from time to time, I was still not used to it but I don't know why I can't even say a no to him

"I will set everything on fire if I have to, to just touch or kiss you Ms.Han
Love you all 💜💙

Sorry for the delay but I'm kind of sick these days and due to that I was not even able to open Wattpad

Take care as it's winter now!!! Cold and coughing season always gets my best

Stream closer than this for the best gifts from Santa this Christmas!!!!!

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