chapter 15

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As I stood there, my eyes fixated on him, I felt a wave of emotion wash over me, threatening to engulf me. Despite my best efforts, tears started streaming down my face, and I couldn't stop them. I was angry with myself for being so emotional, but I couldn't help it. He was carrying bags, but they slipped from his grasp

I could see the concern etched on his face as he drew closer, and without a moment's hesitation, he took me into his arms, holding me tightly as if I were the most precious thing in the world. I felt safe and secure in his embrace, and for a moment, I forgot all my worries.

"Hobi oppa," I managed to choke out, my voice barely audible beneath my sobs. He heard me nonetheless and pulled away from me, cupping my face in his hands.

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice breaking with emotion. "I am sorry, you can punch or slap me y/n but please forgive me. I shouldn't have helped Jungkook those days to get you."

We both stood there, our tears flowing freely, facing each other. It was a moment of catharsis, and I knew that we had to let our emotions out to move on from the past.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "It's not your fault. No one's at fault here. It's just that time changes people, and time changes him too."
He sobbed more hardly after hearing my words, I'm sure he will still think of himself as at fault even if he's not the reason for my condition today

"Promise me y/n no matter what you will not look back at jungkook, even if he comes back still you will not look at him for once y/n" his words made my breath faster, I was still so vulnerable that I was still waiting for him to come back to me

I will run naked feet on his way if he will just let out a simple Sorry, I'm just so pathetic right now but it's not easy to forget your 16 years of relationship

"I know his sorry still can fix your relationship but don't y/n, once a glass is broken it will remain like that only and if you still tried to fix it then also the cracks will be seen and keep on reminding us about the ugly past" his words made me cry more harder by holding his arms tightly, I again leaned toward him for a hug and drenched his shirt

" I promise you " As my words reached his ears my legs were getting weaker with each passing second but his arms around me gave me enough power to stand

I broke the hug wiping my tears and giving him a set of tissues so that he could wipe his tears too, we both smiled at each other and he pecked my forehead " I will come back again and if that bastard tries to contact you or anything just call me I will be there as a shield for you and there's no need for you to work at Mr.Kim's home" he said looking out of the glassy door where taehyung was standing staring at us weirdly

He looked like he was thumping his feet and sulking while being there

"You know right? Jae is still here. I can't leave him all alone here between all these people hobi, but I will come to London when I am more independent and can work" he again kissed my forehead While cupping my cheeks but the sudden opening of the gates made us both look at taehyung who came inside running

"Let's go kids and Grandma must be waiting for us" he let out holding my wrist and pulling me a little away from hobi, I just noticed him rolling his eyes at hobi and gritting his teeth like a kid

"Take care of her Mr Kim and Yahh y/n Remember my words carefully and keep in touch with me," hobi said patting my head in a brotherly way but the bear-like human clinging to my arms again pulled me near him

What's wrong with him? I thought to myself but I couldn't burst on him now, I waved my hands at hobi who blew a kiss in my direction with his wide smile going out of the Kim's mansion, I wanted him to stay but today at around evening he has flight to London

I heard about jungkook and Hana's wedding tomorrow which again broke me more harshly but I knew this was going to happen too one day so I was ready for this mews

"Yahhh you hearing me or not" I came out of my thoughts hearing his deep tone yelling near me which made me flinch and I rolled my eyes at him again but as I was about to utter further the ringing on his phone caught both of our attention

He picked up his call immediately

"Hmmm ok, tomorrow only? Ohhh..........I will inform y/n" he cut off his call and turned toward me with a tense face
His expression changed in minutes which was weird

"Ummm It was Grandma. She said that we should be at home instead of coming to the camping to take the kids with us, she wants us to attend a wedding tomorrow " his words halted but I knew he hadn't informed me completely about the information

" whose wedding?" I asked knowing well he was hiding something looking at his tensed expression it was more clear now, he gulped and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down

"At Jeon Mansion"
Love you all 💜💙

What do you guys think about jungkook? Or taehyung ? But some familiar faces from their past are about to come to invade their lives

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