chapter 36

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[Y/n's pov]

My eyes roamed on the papers jungkook handled to Taehyung, I took a deep breath biting my lower lip as he still hadn't made any move. It's so clear to me that he's trying his best to play with me and emotionally blackmailing me for his sick decisions again and again

I looked over the files as it seemed it was related to the hospital stuff, They both talked for a few minutes as it was so clear that Taehyung was not a bit interested in his talks, Jungkook keeps on glancing at me as I tried my best to not show any kind of expression on my face

Taehyung's phone started buzzing, at first he ignored it but later on, after gazing at the caller ID, he looked at me and then at his phone " Babe I'll be back, excuse me" I saw his figure getting disappear as I sighed heavily before looking at jungkook who was already staring at me or most specifically at my lips

He grasped the tissues from the wooden table before coming toward me and then bending on his knees in front of me, I knitted my brows as he forcefully rubbed the tissue on my lips harshly, I tried pushing him but he caught my hands but still I was wiggling in his grasp

"I fucking told you to obey me right? So what fuck was that" he let out as I shifted my face from here to there but he groped my cheeks and almost forced me to look at his eyes which were getting dark with each passing second and his face getting red, After a long time I saw him this Angry, he never used to get this irritated even when lots of time I used to ruin his dates with Hana, he looked more pissed now

I yanked his hands as I breathed heavily while my palms rubbed over my chest
"Y-You o-oka-" I cut him off as I pushed his hands which were coming closer to my face, His duality is crazy few seconds ago he was ready to push me off a tower but suddenly desperate eyes replaced his furious one

"Taehyung is not like you, He fucking understands me and will stand for me, You can't keep on blackmailing me. Before you, I will honestly tell him everything, It's getting suffocating looking at you every day I don't want to be here anymore" I immediately stood from my place as he was still situated on his knees, I was about to move further but his evil chuckle halted me on my spot.

"You're so naive My love, Just imagine the scandals and the hate from the netizens, isn't it will be huge breaking news all over the Korea when people get to know that one of the most influential person in South Korea Kim Taehyung's girlfriend's not so innocent pictures are all over the internet with her ex-husband. Will his parents will even acknowledge you after all these things? Not only your image but their company's image will fall too because of you, Such a dumb you are to think that it will just affect Taehyung, Jezzz I never knew that you are this innocent my love, this is not how this world works, I will easily cover my name but what about you my love? No matter what, society is going to blame you for your irresponsible behavior to not oppose when I was clicking all these hot pictures of yours as memories" he chuckled as I felt my breath get stuck, he again wrapped me from everywhere, I felt stuck into his dirty mind games

I felt him coming close to him as I turned back and he was right in front of my face "Think of even crossing the gates of jeon mansion again and then wait for the consequences, I'm handling you with care so don't make me cross my boundaries love" his words made me looked at my feet as nothing was able to come out of my throat, I looked over him for a last time before going inside the mansion to lock myself again in the room

At least locking myself in the room will save me from facing that bastard again.

[End of y/n's pov]

"Where's y/n?" Taehyung came toward jungkook as he looked at the surroundings to search for your presence which was out of his sight, He slightly peeked at jungkook and noticed the fake smile on his face

"Probably in the Room" jungkook let out taking the files from the table and was about to leave Taehyung alone in the garden area but halted his steps listening to his words which made him smirk widely

"Don't play smart Mr.jeon, DO you really think I won't notice the way you look at My GIRL? if by any chance I got to know that you are planning something against her or me then it won't end well Mr.jeon. I won't hesitate to do the worst with you Jungkook, stay away from her and stop laying your dirty gazes at her" jungkook turned toward Taehyung with a smirk as he raised his brows

"Ohhh I'm so Sorry Mr. Kim, I'm so sorry to look at y/n but wait have you seen that small cute mole over her cleavage? Isn't that cute? Alas how can you even know, Well at least you may have noticed that she loves wearing lavender color linge-" Taehyung kicked the table between them as it turned upside down and he grasped Jungkook's shirt punching him on his jaw

"FUCKING BASTARD" Taehyung yelled again throwing one more Punch at him, but jungkook just smirked and didn't even try to do anything in his defense, he just smirked looking at the pissed guy in front of him with satisfaction

"Why are you so insecure Kim? YOU KNOW RIGHT I WAS THE OND TO FUCK HER FIRST, EVEN HER FIRST TO GET MY DICK IN HER THROAT DEEP DOWN UNTIL SHE GAGS ON IT AND MY CUM TRAVELING DOWN HER CH-" One more Punch landed on jungkook as now Taehyung was almost hovering over him giving him back to back many punches, but jungkook just smirked or chuckle after his each hit

"No matter what you're always going to remain her replaced option, which she chose  in my absence"

Love you all 💙💜

Hey beautiful peeps!!! I just wanna share something, umm well I hate going to school and again facing all these teachers who give me nightmares, they are just the worst in my life, to be honest. I just want to be on Wattpad giving updates and reading books, my exams got over and except for maths, everything went well

My boards are going to start on 21st Feb and end on 11th March on my birthday 🙃, I don't have any friends in school as I'm kind of an introvert and also scared to interact with many people nor do they understand me or even try to befriend me. I love interacting with you all here but in school that's the scariest thing that I go through

I hate my every teacher, I've a huge problem of overthinking that 'what will that person think about me and blah blah', that makes me so anxious and embarrassed

Anyway I hope you all are doing fine unlike me who's depressed asf from the moment I entered 10th grade

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