chapter 19

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[Jae's pov]

My eyes fell on the big trees decorated with various small ball-like lights dangling on their thin branches. Deeply inhaling the fresh air I was not that much excited about Christmas this year. I felt my energy draining up looking at the stars

I lay on the grass while closing my eyes and trying my best to ease my mind a bit but still, something was there which was troubling me a lot recently which I can't even describe with words. This is the only place in our mansion where I oddly feel a warmth that comforts me all the time As if this place stores positive balls of energy

"Champ" I heard a familiar voice which made my eyes shoot open and look in the direction of the voice. He was still bulky and had few rings on his slender finger as he sat beside me and patted my head. I smiled widely and melted in his touch completely

"Joonie uncle" I excitedly exclaimed while sitting on the grass and yanked my crunchy white shirt a few times before hugging him, he patted my head in a fatherly manner before pecking my head

"When you come here? And how's everything going on" I asked breaking the hug he gently caressed my hair and took out a tissue from his pocket before rubbing it on my cheek, he surely noticed the mark I got this morning in the school after getting into a fight with a guy

"Just like him" I got the reference of 'him' here as I chuckled before liting up my cigarette and putting the thin thing between my lips "Your dad used to get into such fights too and then used to come here to his backyard of your home to relax" his words made me smile internally as I took the cigarette between my middle and index finger

"Is Jeon still visiting this part of this mansion?" He asked as I tried to think if I saw him here or not because there were days when he needed privacy, Dad used to come here and drink some wine alone while gazing at the sky
"Why are you asking that?" I asked with a chuckle as I folded my legs and comfortably sat. I yawned and put that cigarette again between my lips

"This place symbolizes Y/n" My eyes widened hearing about that name after five months. yes, it's been five months after all the divorce and everything, Dad got married, and now he doesn't have time for me."This was the place where your Dad brought your biological mom on their first date and after that, it was like their daily routine to come here and relax in each other's arms. Your mother left but forgot to erase her comfort and essence from here" his words made me choke on nothing as I thought about their relationship. If they loved each other this dearly so why Dad cheated on her? Was she not good enough for him or there's something more that I'm not aware of

He took the cigarette from my fingers and put it on the other side "Don't smoke you are too young Jae. How's your dad not stopping you from doing it?" His words made me sigh, Dad never bothered to check on me these days all his attention went to my new mom, she's not a child she can take care of herself

"Jae you're still pretty young and have to see a lot of things in this world, sometimes the things that we thought are beautiful aren't good but you know what? Good things are always beautiful Jae, You are like my son and that's why I want to make this clear to you, Your Dad did wrong with your Biological Mom. What will you do if the girl you loved the most will cheat on you with your friend?" His words made me lower my gaze toward my injured knuckles, Now how should I tell him that today I got into a fight because of a girl only with that dude, I can't even see someone near her and he's telling me what if she cheats on me

"Let it be here's your mom's address and number make sure to visit her this Christmas" his words made me face him and a smile formed on my face as I nodded lightly. I should just accept the fact that I'm missing her around me right now. I don't know who's wrong here her or Dad

"Thanks, uncle. If you don't mind my stupid question so can you tell me if is Dad bad in his place?" I took a heavy breath before continuing "Or I did wrong choosing him over her?" I asked feeling confused about my current situation, I feel alone even if I'm crowded with tons of family members. I do laugh in front of them but still, the feeling of being alone is eating me up

"Look Jae they both are your parents no matter if they are not together anymore, in the last you're their part, Son. If they can't love each other that doesn't mean they will stop loving you too, they both may not be good for each other but they both equally are good for you Jae, Your Dad did badly as a husband not as as a FATHER, Love may die but obsession kills others to live" I knitted my brows at his last few words as I shook my head not understanding his context, he stood from his place extending his hands toward me. I clasped my fingers around his getting up and jerking my pants lightly

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to match his pace as he was taking too big steps to get inside the mansion, I tried my best to follow his step

"Nothing. you will understand what I meant in a few days or maybe a few months after noticing my words in reality Jae." He let out and suddenly halted on his step making me face his face which wanted to say a lot but they were hiding something "I'm sure you gonna experience more bizarre stuff once you start to dig into your biological parent's history"he continued and a chill ran down my spine at his words

"Think about it again Obsession kills to live Jae and some relationships are built upon such feelings only so how they can easily end?"


Love you all 💜💙

Sorry for the late update but yeah finally my 2nd preboards are gonna start from 6 Jan and then from the 18th Feb I'm finally having boards !!!!!!! So there's going to be a huge delay in updating you guys so be patient once everything is over I badly want to give you all 10+ updates in a day of various books of mine !!!!

I will introduce you all to so many books full of dark romance !!!!! Just let me clear this exam and pray for me.

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