chapter 55

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[Jae's pov]

The bags on which I was clutching fell on the floor noticing the scenario in front of me as my throat got dried and my heart sank noticing My parents, Dad immediately left Mom as she slipped through the wall Sobbing loudly while holding the fabric over her chest, tears slipped through my eyes as I instantly took my jacket and rushed toward her to cover her with it "M-Mom" I shuttered when she shook her head crying too loud in my embrace

I held her arms rubbing them lightly "Jae LISTEN IT'S NOT-" I cut off my dad as I felt disgusted even listening to him, chills ran down my spine when Mom clutched over my shirt hearing Dad's words, "Mom Let's go" I cupped her cheek wiping her tears as her whole body was Slightly trembling, I helped her to stand on her feet. I wrapped my arms around her to help her walk and gave a last glance to Dad who was frustratingly looking at us. In my presence, I'm sure he won't do much, He always tried to be an ideal man for me but A man who forces his Woman is not someone ideal

"You greeted me with nightmares Dad" I uttered wiping my tears as I and Mom made our way outside of the room, I can't let her stay here anymore after everything, I don't know how much Mom has to suffer here in my absence due to dad, it's all my fault if I wouldn't have requested her to be with me then maybe she would have fine with who seems to give various interviews recently denying his relationship with mom

I will not let any of them come near Mom not even Namjoon's uncle who fooled me to get time-to-time updates about our family so that he could make plans to get my mom, I don't know how but my grandma knew everything she called me telling me everything when I just reached Seoul, Passing of grandpa made me shattered but right now Mom needs a shoulder

As we came downstairs we heard yelling of people, I grasped Mom's arms tightly I'm mine, I shouted for the maids but no one answered as we hurriedly made our way outside. Mom gasped looking at the scenario of the garden area, Many maids of our mansion lying Lifelessly on the floor with blood covering most of the parts

Mom covered her mouth at the scene as I didn't understand what was going on here, Everything seemed dark the mansion was covered with bodies, we heard a firing sound as Mom trembled in fear in my arms looking opposite of me

"Hana?" I let out looking at my stepmom holding Ak-47 while pointing at us, she was wearing a white long gown which the hospital provides. Her white gown was stained with blood as she smirked at us Mom immediately came in front of me as Hana laughed out loud

"Mom protecting her son? That son who never acknowledged her? That son who left her for me?" Hana laughed out loud pointing the gun tip at us as I held Mom's hands tightly "What the fuck is wrong with you" I slightly yelled at her as I saw a few black cars entering inside the gate. Uncle  Taehyung, a haired guy, and Uncle Namjoon  stepped out of the car but halted their steps looking at Hana pointing a gun at us

"Shibil" That blonde guy shouted as Hana chuckled looking at them "All my seniors are here for what? For her who's going to die today? Just one step and she will be lying on her blood And dear Namjoon oppa this is your punishment for not coming earlier"
She shouted like a manic while laughing as she kept getting closer to us

"HANA" I heard my dad's voice, he came out of the mansion and looked at his surroundings getting maybe chills as his body felt stiffened
"JUNGKOOK I FUCKING LOVED YOU BUT WHAT YOU DID DO? FUCKED HER OR I SAY RAPED HER WHILE I WAS CAGED IN THE ROOM? I WILL FUCKING KILL THIS BITCH IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU YOU WILL ALSO NOT HAVE HER, NO ONE WILL HAVE HER" she yelled laughing again as when my dad tried coming near her she gave him a death glare to stay out of the box

"Look we can talk Hana, I swear I will again come to you but just leave the gun, I don't even love her"

Dad tried convincing her as he took her whole attention toward him, I saw Uncle Taehyung taking his steps toward us as he gestured for me to be quiet, but before he could take more further steps Hana fired on his legs making him fall on the ground as now she again took steps toward us and pointed the tip at Mom

"TAEHYUNG PLEASE" Mom shouted getting on her knees and joining both her hands as she started crying more violently, I saw how dad also got weak seeing Mom in such a state that he fell on his knees too, I hugged my mom but she pushed me apart from her while shooking her head

"J-Jae Mom loves you b-but D-Don't come near me she can't hurt you too my child" she whispered with tears in her eyes as I shook my head again trying to reach for her but she pushed me

"H-Hana D-Don't harm anyone J-Just K-Kill me but Don't drag anyone in t-th-" Dad cut off Mom as he almost shouted "CAN YOU FUCKING SHUTUP" Dad shouted at Mom as I saw many men coming inside with riffles, but the blonde guy showed them his palm "TELL THEM TO STAY AWAY OR Y/N IS GOING TO BE DEAD" Hana shouted at them as I saw few cops entering the Mansion too

Mom looked at Mr. Kim with a smile wiping her tears, she grasped my arm pushing me toward them "T-Take care of h-him" She uttered as the blonde guy grasped both my arms and I tried kicking him but the man in black now grasped my hands, I looked at Mom as she shook her head

"WHY MOM" I shouted as now Hana was just in front of Mom pointing the tip at her forehead "Hana I'm begging you, FUCKING LEAVE HER" Dad yelled as now the cops surrounded the area and men's in black had to place their equipment on the ground

"On your Place everyone" One of the officers yelled as Mom closed her eyes when Hana placed the tip of the rifle on her chest "Your heart that's what he wants right? He craves you, isn't it? Even while having sex with me he wanted you, He made me fucking behaved like you, He fucking made me wear your clothes, The guest room where you stayed he used to cry his heart out in that room, did you ever check that Room? He has your paintings, clothes, pictures, and accessories that you once used in that Room. If I was a psychopath for him he was for you. Thanks unnie but he's just mine"


Everything got silent as I fell on my knees, one of the cops immediately yanked Hana on the ground as she still laughed, My eyes halted on Mom lying Lifelessly on the floor with her eyes teary and a small smile on her face when our eyes met. The man left me and I just looked at her blankly, The rain began pouring drenching everyone in it. The place the same yard from Mom and Dad started their relationship ended up in my mom's blood

I saw Dad crawling to her as he took her in his arms, Placing her body which didn't make any move anymore after her last smile toward me, My dad rocked her body as his face was hidden in her crook. No one dared to go near them, not even cops or Mr. Kim

The rain kept pouring on them as I saw Dad still holding onto her body without a soul anymore, her head placed on his chest as Dad's arms were too tight around her body as if he was scared if he would let her go now he would never be able to hold on Mom again which was true. He told me he hugged her for the first time in this yard and today it's the last time holding her in his arms in this yard only

From where everything began the story of their life which only consisted of pain ended here in the same yard, I looked above the sky, it was dark and pouring. The cops started dragging everyone but they both were in their arms

It was their ending

Love you all

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