chapter 48

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[Hana's pov]

I pressed my knees near my chest crying out too loud but still no one was able to hear me, They all locked me here saying I was mentally ill. I'm normal just like them but they can't understand my frustration and anger that's why I took it out on my baby, I love jungkook more than anything but he keeps on ignoring my presence due to my sister

We have a child together still he wants her, She broke my home, she snatched my husband,  she snatched my child, she snatched my happiness. They are surely going to cage me in an asylum

"A-Appa" I cried harder remembering my parents only they can save me from this hell, I will again Be my jungkook's comfort pill and will make him realize I'm the one he wants, He loves my body, He loves me not her

Only Namjoon Oppa can save me now, He promised me that he would make jungkook love me so what happened to his promise as soon she again came Into our life, Everything was going fine we were celebrating as a family even if many moments were fake but still we were together but now they all deceive me for her

"I'M NOT SICK! I AM NOT MENTALLY ILL!!! FUCK OFF" I yelled grasping my head as I again started to cry much harder than before



"We can't unlock her look how's she screaming, her psychiatrist was having an eye on her, and as per them she's not normal at all, We need to talk to you guys' parents" Mrs jeon let out as I gulped listening to her screams, everything was OK from childhood, Hana never was like this but what happened to her in these past years no one knows

They have to chain her in a Room so she doesn't harm anyone, In the hospital when jungkook yelled at her she attacked a few doctors, I don't even know if my parents are aware of her sick behavior or not

"I understand I don't want to say anything in this situation, it's your family and your decision I'm just a guest here for a few days after Jae is back we all would like to take our leave Mrs.jeon" I don't want to invade in their personal stuff even if my blood sister is involved in it, We broke our relationship a long time ago so I'm no one to give her sympathy or help her to get her out of this situation

"Don't worry go have dinner y/n" I slightly bowed before leaving her alone in front of the room where Hana was locked, I made eye contact with jungkook as I came near to the dining hall

I silently went beside Taehyung and took my seat, the atmosphere was much more awkward as Jae was not here anymore and Mrs.jeon had her meals in her room with her granddaughter, Eunji is now most of the time with her only, Mrs.jeon can be harsh to others but not toward her blood or grandchildren

We were eating in silence, with No exchange of glances or anything but just eating silently, Today's food seemed very delicious, and I felt myself flying eating each bit of the food, Taehyung giggled taking my attention as he lazily placed his head on the table snoring

I giggled seeing the pout over his lips as I caressed his back and he seemed in a deep slumber, I yawned feeling weak and tired while eating, I looked at jungkook who was already staring at me I gave him a smile

[Jungkook's pov]

I sighed heavily but a smirk formed on my face seeing Taehyung already passing out, Y/n smiled at me as I winked at her Before going toward her and wiping her lips with a tissue, she grasped my bicep leaning further toward my face But I groped her cheek making her whine

The drug I ordered to put into Taehyung's meal was a special drug that can make a person numb and make them sleep for 14-15 hours, The drug I put into my love's meal was a different drug that can make her feel hot, lost her mind, away from her senses and in few hours she will even forget what happened to her

I put the few hair strands behind her ear as she closed her eyes feeling my touch while biting her lower lip, grazing my thumb over her lower lip I freed them before taking her into a bridal style, and she giggled

I never wanted to do something like this but she forced me to go this low for her, I lost my mind after that day's encounter in the kitchen I can't wait anymore to have her again, have her back with me in my arms. Playing the game dirty and winning it gives a different satisfaction

I also promised Jae that his real family would greet him when he got back and I wouldn't mind again building his family, her lips traced my chest as I hissed feeling her plumpy lips over my skin, This is what I wanted I just didn't want to feel her but I wanted her to feel me too

I wouldn't mind giving this drug to her daily if she reacts this wild with Me again and again, I love us together like this, I will fucking erase every inch of his touch from her body and mark my territory everywhere that next time when his lusty eyes will scan her body inappropriately again he will just notice my marks on her body

I placed her on the bed as she moaned shoving her hands inside her shirt making Me bite my lower lip too harshly that it could bleed too, that scene in front of me was the hottest thing I ever noticed

Locking the door I leaned over it seeing her eyes closed, back arched, her one hand inside her shirt and the other one playing with the hem of her skirt mostly teasing the fuck out of me, I noticed a sweat rolling over her forehead to her neck as I felt my brick

I just want to pump inside her the whole night and then see her limping in the morning totally clueless about the abuse I will do with her small pussy which I missed like hell, How dare that she even let that bastard's dick inside her knowing well that place Just belongs to me and always will

"Love spread your legs for me"

Love you all 💙💜

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