chapter 29

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[Y/n's pov]

"Why you were standing outside tae?" I asked as I grasped his fingers letting him come inside with me in the room where Jae was resting, "I wanted to give you some space even if I hated the fact that your so-called ex was here" I pinched his cheek as he rolled his eyes making me laugh

"Wait you told me you don't care about him right? And anyways you trust me right?" I asked as he back-hugged me, I rolled the curtains of the room letting the night view of Seoul crash to my eyes after years

"I do, I trust you more than myself but h-how can I trust your e-ex" he shuttered as his face nuzzled in my crook, as his hot breath hit my face I caressed his arms which were wrapped around me " I understand your feelings but don't worry we didn't even exchange any glance or words except one time when I called his name mistakenly" I uttered and I felt his lips caressing my skin as his warmth tongue traced every bit of my skin, he slightly started sucking over the place where he licked earlier

"You didn't notice?" He asked as his arms around me got more tightened this time and his blonde hair hit my cheek "What I didn't notice" I asked as my brows got knitted and suddenly he turned me toward him as his eyes trailed to my crook where he probably left a mark as his expressionless face had a smile dangling on it

"H-He kept on staring at you the whole time babe, Maybe you didn't notice it but I saw it the way he kept on looking at you even his mother must have noticed it too" He completed his words and his smile again disappeared, and his eyes met my eyes " Tae he was looking at Jae not me, why will he look at me? Everything is over between us there's nothing left anymore" I comforted him but still the uneasiness on his face was visible "I talked to a lawyer and if you want Jae's custody then you have to be with Jae and his dad for at least two months before going to the court, Jae is still underage so for ignoring the manipulation stuff on him, you both must parent him together and then Jae's decision will be the last decision for the case"

I sighed heavily "Do we have any other option?" I asked to hope for some other way but his next few words made my hope shatter "I tried my best to find one but nothing was working and I'm with you in this love, I mean as your lovesick man I will follow you everywhere you go even if it's six feet underneath" I chuckle at his words as I wrapped my arms around his pulling him closer to me

"M-Mom" I immediately pushed Taehyung as he rolled his eyes while throwing his hair behind and fixing his white shirt, we both looked at Jae at his flushed face and I and taehyung glanced at each other and burst into giggles

Taehyung went near him ruffling Jae's black hair "Adjust to it, young man, Kim taehyung ain't leaving your mum alone so we need to share" he ended his statement with a wink as I rolled my eyes Slightly bumping my fist on his arms

[End of Y/n's POV]

"Sit" Mrs.jeon uttered in her stern voice as jungkook followed her instructions and took a place in front of her
"We need to talk about Jae" Her voice was cold but a little soft and restless when she uttered her grandson's name

"He's OK Now I'm talking to doctors from England about his treatment at home, I will also face Dad after th-" she cut off him and bumped her fist on the wooden table gaining his whole attention even the co-workers started at them until she gave a death glare to the people present around them

"Don't play smart jeon, you know what I'm talking about, Y/n is here for Jae now, Your desperate gazes were too suspicious don't you think? Stop staring at her" he chuckled as he took out his cigarette and lit it up before inhaling deeply "My Eyes My choice I will stare at anyone I want, C'mon you can't control my stares now" his words made the lady present in front of him more furious of his sick attitude as she put the few hair strands falling on her eyes behind her ear

"Give this attitude to your wife, not to your mother. She's going to live with us so you better stay within your limits" Her words made him chuckle as he put the cigarette over the tin small piece of plate

"I've to meet My son" he stood from his place and went toward the exit of the private area and slightly bowed before leaving, Mrs.jeon sighed heavily seeing his figure getting vanish, she had given him birth and She understood him more than anyone

"It's not going to end well"


"Dayum dude you seriously tried saving this creature do you know she's a kickboxer man," the blondie who dyed his hair purple now uttered as Jera smirked at Jae who was lying on the bed smiling

"Jaehyun Mom and Dad ain't tense right?" Jera asked as she sat on the bed holding Jae's hands in her grasp "Nope I lied to them saying you went to Ricky's home" He uttered devouring the apple as if it was his last meal "Why do your parents trust that bastard more than me?" Jae uttered rolling his eyes as Jera slightly hit his bicep earning a quick whimper from him

"Because he's a Saint guy, unlike your ass who drinks and smokes, if you would have gone into Coma so I'm sure my parents would have bid goodbye to me with a holy white guy in the upcoming years then I would have invited you in my baby shower bastard" Jera groped his cheek and was digging holes in his face with her each words

"Guys st-" Before Jaehyun could finish his words, Your figure entered the room taking everyone's attention as Jaehyun hurriedly stood from his place and a gasp left his mouth "Jae you didn't told me your friend has arrived anyways this is some snacks for you guys enjoy," you said placing the tray beside Jae as JaeHyun blinked his eyes few times staring at your figure

You noticed his gaze and chuckled ruffling his hair before going out "Bastard that's my Mom" Jae uttered hitting his arms as Jaehyun rolled his eyes at Jae

"Mf you never told me about your hot biological mom" Jaehyun uttered as this time Jera was the one to smack his head "bitch Mr. Kim fucking Taehyung is her boyfriend you got no chance, Honey" Jera uttered in a sassy tone but Jaehyun kept on smiling as Jae rolled his eyes

"Holy fuck is she sort of a model, you mfs didn't inform me anything like this I literally came here wearing this pj's, what she would think about me now?" Jaehyun faked a heartache placing his palm over his chest

"She will just think of you as a child keep dreaming on bastard" Jae uttered as he and Jera gave each other a fist bump before bursting into a series of laughs

You picked a few documents and kept on moving forward while reading it's each word and sentence written over the paper, you still have to talk about the custody thing to Jae so you have to prepare yourself for further,  you were so In deep thought that you didn't even realized you collided with someone bumping your head too hard on that person's chest and your documents fell on the floor

"Ohhh no I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" you kept on repeating while picking up the papers in pure embarrassment that you didn't even notice who you bumped into

You slightly looked up toward the person and your eyes widened when your eyes met his, It's the worst you can think about but can't even deny that now you have to face your ex-husband daily

Love you all 💙💜

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