Chapter 54

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[Jimin's pov]

As we both were about to grab a few guns to go out of our factory, A tall muscular man came inside while holding an M10, making me halt on my step as he fixed his specks before smirking at me
"Namjoon? You neardy mother fucker? What are you doing here? You know right what you're holding is not for play and where you are right now? With one wrong move our men can come inside anytime soon" I let out not getting a bit disturbed by him as I wiped my shades wearing them. He looked not like his old self anymore, he grew a lot and gained muscle like Hulk which is crazy. If he came inside even with such tight security outside there must be something serious as I'm sure he's someone close to Jungkook who can harm me and Taehyung

"What's he doing here?" I heard Taehyung's raspy voice coming toward us as Namjoon gave me a smirk "Where's y/n" he asked looking at Taehyung and he chuckled "Ask your dick friend" he let out coming near him as Namjoon laughed

"Don't lie I know you kidnapped your fiance, Jungkook informed me about it" I and taehyung shared a look at each other before I burst into a series of laughter, that mother fucker is a smart ass, I don't know what this namjoon wants from y/n but to be honest he kind of trapped two most of the smart people of our uni taehyung and namjoon, the frontbenchers got stuck into the game of a last bencher

"Stop it, bastard where's y/n" Namjoon growled as I faked a tear wiping it before looking at Taehyung who was gritting his teeth, "You both are dumb that bastard did something with y/n, and played with you both so when you both will fight each other he will take advantage of the situation" I let out still holding over my laugh "And why would he kidnap his fiance?" I asked as Namjoon's mechanism halted for a few moments

"Shit he got to know about me" Namjoon whispered tensed as he again looked toward us and rolled his eyes "What are you of her?" Taehyung asked looking at his tensed figure we still don't know why he's here
"A brother figure" he let out making me raise a brow as I chuckled "A brother figure who never checked on her, sell your lies to someone else namjoon say it why are you here, and what do you want from y/n" I let out as he clutched on the gun being angry on me maybe

"I fucking loved her from high school but these two who came out of nowhere snatched her from me" I immediately held Taehyung's arm to not make any unnecessary move right now because maybe we can get some benefit from him

"Let's continue this some other day but right now we have to get her from Jeon's mansion otherwise there's no way for us to see her again"

[End of Jimin's POV]

Mrs jeon held on to Eunji going back and forth as the doctors were running in the corridor to search for Hana who seemed to attack a few doctors and nurses and then ran away "Mr. and Mrs. Han this can ruin our image if any outsider will see your mentally ill child or our daughter in law running like that on streets, Don't expect us to accept her again after all these dramas" her tone was stern enough for Hana's parents to shut down as she again dialed few numbers

"And I guess my son doesn't need Her Anymore as y/n his ex-wife is back" she let out and again engaged in a phone call but her figure tensed up as she almost fell on her knees and Mrs. Han immediately picked Eunji from her hold "N-No C-Car crash of my h-husband?" Mrs. Jeon in a moment burst into tears as the phone fell from her hands

She bit on her bottom lip as she saw her whole life getting destroyed in a moment in front of her, she couldn't even be able to meet her husband for the last time. He was away due to some business work being clueless about what was going on in his family but his sudden news of a car crash probably left a markable wound on Mrs. Jeon

As she cried harder as her last support also left her

"I-I'm s-sorry I promise I will change everything y/n-ahh I will again make everything good but just don't say like this" he uttered as he was I his knees in front of her lying figure in the bed, due to too much tension she passed away earlier but the doctor gave her few medicines

"Stop it jungkook, let me just go how many times have I had to repeat myself? I don't want to be with you why can't you understand a normal thing" she let out being too tired of repeating the same thing from Hours but he kept on crying in front of her on his knees

"I-I'm b-begging you Love, just give us one more chance I will make everything alright. You will not regret your decision, You can slap me more if you want but I will not let you leave. I do love you a lot y/n but I can't let you go, I want you for myself just for myself" You were tired if you kept repeating to him to let you go so he kept repeating to be with you, You have your faith on Taehyung and you know he will surely come to you no matter what

You clutched on the knife tightly that the doctor provided you when you almost begged him during the whole session, you shifted the blanket immediately and stood on your feet pointing the knife at him as he rolled his eyes wiping his tears

"Get on the bed you know right how worse your health is and I hate that, just stop playing love you haven't even held the handle of the knife correctly, you can hurt yourself" he uttered stretching his arms before jumping on the bed and then jumped on the other side from where you were pointing a knife at him

"GO AWAY! Let me Go or You will die today" you shouted at him but he even came further grasping the tip of the knife and pointing at his chest on the left side "Your words tore me apart love but I try to be Saint, DO you know how much it hurts seeing you with someone else? Do you know how much it hurts seeing you being happy with that bastard but not with me?" He let out now grasping your fist on the handle and pushing the tip more inside

Before you can make any further move he twisted your arm snatches the knife and places it on your neck horizontally your back hits his chest and you felt his member poking your clothed ass, he chuckled noticing your trembling and tears through the mirror as he pinned both your hands behind your back, tears slipped through your eyes when he kissed your cheek, jaw than at your crook while maintaining eye contact in the mirror

"My love just mine how beautiful that sounds right?" He asked as he moved the knife away from your neck and traced its tip on your skin until he slashed the straps of your dress almost to make your cleavage visible in front of his eyes

He traced on your cleavage as he hissed near your ear "My tongue just went like this love, DO know how much I missed you? How can you know you were busy with that bastard isn't it?" He let out pressing the tip of the knife on your cleavage a little too much making you whimper in pain

He immediately threw the knife on the bed "Alas you know I just discovered that I wanted to try knife play always so would you mind being trying it with me?" He asked in the softest tone making you try to get your hands from his grasp, you kicked his legs from behind but he didn't feel anything as he just held you more tightly after your little attempts to get yourself free

You almost pushed him but he immediately pinned you on the wall, pressing his clothed boner to your clothed crotch as he smirked planting kisses over your neck, you struggled and almost shouted at him but he didn't halt, groping your cheek he forcefully shoved his lips on yours almost eating your mouth, you wiggled your arms to get free even again tried kicking him but he made sure to place his knees between your legs Slightly rubbing your crotch with his thighs

He sucked your bottom lip as his free hand groped your clothed breast, you got sweaty, your throat burning, teary eyes, and red cheeks you looked miserable

You were too busy to fight him and he was too busy to explore every corner of your mouth that you both didn't notice the sudden burst of the door


Love you all 💙💜

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