chapter 33

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[Taehyung's pov]

I wrapped my arms around her as she was still hugging my body tightly resting her whole weight over me as her arms wrapped around my neck and her face on my chest

I caressed her long hair as she was between my legs above me as I lying over the bed, Something seemed so off since morning she was behaving oddly and didn't utter much, and as she entered the room some minutes ago without any words she jumped above me

"No, tell me what's bothering you?" I asked as I felt her grasp getting more tighten around my neck as she sniffed, is she crying? Wait but why, I hurriedly switched our position and now she was beneath me, before she could hide her tears with her palms I pinned them on both sides of her. She opened her eyes and blinked her eyes twice

"What happened y/n? Is there something wrong? I swear if something is bothering you I will make sure to handle it on my own" I was furious that there was something so evident that she was tired of and bothered about something that I had no idea about

"P-Promise me you will never judge me or l-leave me Tae no matter what you will always be with me" My eyes softened at her words as I left her right hand and gently caressed her cheek which was red like tomato

"I love you more than anything y/n I can't even think of leaving you but I can fight with tons of men who want you but not with the one who you want" Tears slipped through her eyes as she yanked her hand from my grip and immediately hugged me bringing me more closer to her warmth

"So fight yourself and punch at your reflection every day in the mirror" I chuckled listening to her words which made me nuzzle more into her crook as she wrapped her legs around my waist, how I wish we could always stay like this together every second

She's the most beautiful phase of my life which my every heartbeat yearns for, I can write infinite poems about her describing her in my every word but again I'm so selfish that I don't want anyone to feel her the way I felt her on my skin and with me

I was with lots of women and but this one below me made me realize Why no one was able to be with me till the end as the writer of my fate had already written her name on my each page "Can We stay like this forever?" I asked as she nodded softly caressing my back with her slender finger

I kissed her crook and moved downward toward her shirt to pull it off but before I could even pull it off, we both heard loud knocking on the door and we glanced at each other as I again went to kiss her but the banging got more louder this time

Can't they give privacy to a couple? She smiled motioning me to look who was outside as I again Carelessly didn't even care to button up my shirt and with an irritated face turned the knob to face the person

"Sir someone named Mr. Choi is calling you downstairs" the maid trembled before hurriedly bowing and going out of sight, I looked at y/n who was already looking at my way. The uneasiness spread across her face, she suddenly looked restless and worried

I went toward her and pecked her lips as her doe eyes looked at me with curiosity "That's the lawyer, don't worry I told him not to inform anyone about his identity yet, Let's first talk to Jae about everything, and then reveal to his family" she nodded at my words as she again hugged me and snuggled her face into my stomach as I caressed her hair. I need to talk to her if something is bothering her then I have to make sure to protect my girl

She broke the hug as I leaned downward cupping her cheek as I pressed my lips on her forehead While closing my eyes, I smiled backing off as I buttoned my shirt waving at her but made sure to lock the door before going out

[End of Taehyung's pov]

You placed your hands on your forehead as it was aching badly after the morning encounter with your ex-husband, His last few words before going to the office made you shiver the whole time

The negativity was eating you so hard in this mansion that you didn't know how your son was living here. A smile crept on your face when you heard the knob turning as you immediately sat on the bed with a huge smile dangling on your face

"Woah you came so-" Your words got stuck in your throat when you realized who just entered the room, he smirked before locking the room and his eyes trailed toward your chest and then at your legs which were barely covered

As you felt comfortable wearing anything in front of Taehyung it was never a big deal for you but the way the man in front of you moved his gaze to your body surely made you so uncomfortable that you immediately groped the blanket and covered your legs with it

Your eyes trailed toward the box that he was carrying, he looked like he just come from his office directly to your room "W-What are you doing here?" You shuttered as your grip on the blanket tightened and a fear consumed your whole body

"See" He let out as he sat on the bed near your figure and as you were about to stand from your place he glared at you and tightly grasped your wrist in his hold, you wiggled your hand but he again gave a death glare to you which was soon replaced with a smile over his place

He opened the box and turned it on the bed in front of you, you squinted your gaze at every picture that fell  in front of you but soon your heartbeat increased and your eyes almost got teary "W-Why a-are you d-doing this" you shuttered as your eyes slipped few tears but he just smiled and caressed your cheek or trying to wipe the tear that rolled through your cheek

"Isn't they all beautiful" he let out as you burst into sobs and more tears fell from your eyes looking at the inappropriate picture of yours, Some naked some in not-so-appropriate clothes and some with him totally naked

"What will you do when your lover boy sees all of this picture huh? He will surely leave you y/n, he will get someone much better than you. Do you seriously think he will still go after you if I will show him our every picture and in addition our videos? He will hate you forever even the people around you will hate you, Taehyung will leave you for someone bett-" you pushed a few pictures from the bed and your breathing got unstable as you tightly clasped your palms on your ear

"NOOO TAEHYUNG LOVES ME JUST GO AWAY JUST GO AWAY JUNGKOOK WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING THIS TO ME" You yelled at him as he just chuckled before picking the pictures from the ground as his eyes got stuck on one of the pictures, he smirked before placing the picture in front of your trembling self

"Look at your bare upper body y/n can I see it again? That motherfucker is really pissing me off since the hospital, THAT FUCKING BASTARD KIM TAEH-" You looked at him with disgust as your left hand landed on his cheek and the impact was pretty good to turn his face on the other side

Everything got silent for a few seconds as he placed his hand on his cheek where your hand landed, You sobbed seeing the smirk on his face as he chuckled pushing his hair backward. He poked his inner cheek

"N-NOT a word about T-Taehyung" you shuttered as his smirk soon got replaced with a pissed expression as he clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes "You h-have a wife and a k-ki-" Before you could say anything he groped the blanket yanking it away as you heart beat fastened more and sweat trickled through your forehead

"Stop it jungkook" you continued as he was still glaring at you "You're again runing everyone's life. Why are you even fucking doing this" you let out as your fist started hitting on his chest, as his other went behind your back drawing few circles, you kept on hitting his chest but kept on doing what he was he doing. You cries got more harder until it got difficult for you to even breathe

"Just claiming back what once belonged to me"

Love you all 💙💜

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