chapter 45

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"Mr. Yeon can take our case but You being a single mother won't be easy, After today's Condition it seems jungkook will throw Hana out but not now when he will need Her in court, they will favor him more than us y/n" his words made sense, why would they easily let you take Jae when on the other side jungkook can be with him along with his wife, Taehyung caressed your hands while bandaging it as tears trickled through his eyes on your injury "Tae it's just a small cut" you console him as he placed his head above her chest and hugged her tightly "It's not y/n, We will not be here I will Ask Mr.Yeon to find something else other than this two months of co-parenting shit where we don't even know if we can win or not"

You sighed heavily, Court in such cases favors the Person who already is in an official relationship and gives the responsibility of the child to them instead of the single parent, If you maybe somehow get into an official relationship so maybe You don't have to follow the two-month co-parenting thing and can directly request the court for your son's custody

"Wanna get married?"

"HUH?" He almost screamed as his arms loosened around you, cupping his face You placed your lips upon his and you both closed your eyes tightly

"You proposed to me to be your girlfriend right? I propose you to be my husband Taehyung, can you love me not as Ms. Han but as Mrs Kim?"
[Jungkook's pov]

I groaned in pain as my head hurt badly after everything that happened last night, I wanted to bandage her but that bastard forcefully took her away like a child whose favorite toy got hurt or something, I won't let Hana go this easily, First for trying to stab y/n and then all the thing she did with My daughter. I locked her in the downstairs room until y/n is here I can't harm her, I have to build our trust again instead of scaring her again that bastard is already too smart to handle such things so I have to make sure to drown him in my hate to lay his finger on my woman. My eyes tremble due to the sun's rays as I make my steps In the running water of the shower in my bathroom

I let my white shirt soak in it, as I unbuckled my pants while leaning over the wall, Sliding down my boxer I whimpered as the warm water hit my member making it harden more, Remembering the red lacy bra on y/n I moaned in pleasure gripping the base of my dick

Pumping it a few times, I closed my eyes as I again saw her lying unconscious in front of me, How bad I wanted to rail her pussy which I missed for years to feel again, the way she slapped my bicep earlier and made me shut just like that I want her to again shut me up with her moans as I thrust inside her, I increased my pace on my dick as I whimpered too loudly shooting my semen on the floor

I smiled closing my eyes, even if she was too near me I couldn't do anything instead just thinking about her, I wanted her on my bed again. Fucking every night and this time I will surely impregnate her, The time when I saw her in so much pain while giving birth to Jae I made sure after him I will not let her bear a kid again but I guess To tie her with me more strongly I need to do something

[End of Jungkook's POV]

You, Taehyung, and Jae sat on the couch, After telling him about your and Taehyung's future plans you were glad Jae accepted it without any hesitation. Mrs.jeon took Eunji with her to the hospital for a more proper check-up even though Mr. Kim Already checked her in the home

It's almost night as Jae slept on the couch watching the movie which he requested he wanted to watch with you both. The whole day you ignored jungkook and got relaxed seeing him leaving for the office "I love you" Taehyung whispered near your ear as you got relaxed into his touch, his hands groped your waist pulling you onto his lap. You bit your bottom lip to not make any noise due to his member poking you, his thumb caressed your bottom lip and freed it from your teeth

You both looked toward Jae who was sleeping while snoring, you felt him attacking your neck as his hand went inside your hoodie to grope on your breast when you sensually pressed your opening on his hardened member with a smile

"Not h-here" Before you can proceed further, his hand has already gone inside your skirt and made the panties a bit side so that his clothed member can touch your Womanhood barely, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he picked you up and hurriedly went inside the kitchen to only place you on the kitchen counter, he frustratingly moved his zip and took your lips into his with a smile dangling over his face Remembering your yesterday night's confession

His hand massaged your breast and his other one groped his dick before aligning its tip with the wet hole of yours, making you both groan in pleasure, you threw your head back biting your bottom lip as his face forcefully shoved between your breast and he licked your clothed hardened nipple while tugging on them with its teeth

Thinking someone could catch you both in such a position made him aroused more as he finally put his whole shaft into you, You moaned too loudly that he covered your mouth with a smirk "They can catch us when I will fucking thrust in your desperate pussy for my dick love or should I call Mrs. Kim?" You bit on your bottom lip again closing your eyes tightly as you moaned slowly, his thrust were slow but sensual enough to bring your best to him

He moaned with you as you both clung to each other tightly so that air could not pass between you two, his arm already placed his sweatshirt around you so even if someone caught you no one would see a bit of skin of yours

"Y-Y/N" You opened your eyes listening to the yelling as you made eye contact with The fuming in several emotion guy in front of you, tears escaping from his red eyes, and his breath unstable as if he would not be able to breathe again after noticing the scene in front of his eyes

Jungkook looked miserable

Love you all 💙💜

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