chapter 30

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You immediately picked up the papers as you felt him bending in front of you and picking some of the papers in his grasp, This is not what you wanted again here. Encountering him again and again was not something you thought of

He extended his hands toward you and immediately you almost snatched the papers from his grasp taking him off guard as you stood from your place and left him immediately. You were confused if you were too scared or nervous to face him again and again. You hated the fact that you had to be with him till everything got sorted out

You slightly made a bun of your hair before going inside the Doctor's cabin "Ohh Ms. Han please take a seat" You bowed a little before settling in front and of him "Your family can take Jeon Jae at home but home treatment is still required, Don't give him much tense and let the atmosphere be calm And one more thing there's twice payment done by your family for Jae" his words made you knitted your brows as you gazed over the paper which he presented in front of you

"Twice payment?" You asked and the doctor in front of you nodded "yea the first payment was done by Mr.Kim and the Second was done by Mr.jeon" You slightly nodded and handled the paper of some tests done on Jae to him

"It's alright the payment which was made by Mr. Kim please return it" you uttered handling more papers to the doctor as he slightly checked them "The reports are better now but still need to take care of him a lot, if you want a nurse can be appointed for him" his words made you again nodd as you stood from your place "thankyou doctor we will think about it but can you please start the process of discharge?" You asked as he nodded and dialed on of the PBX

"Yes Dr. Lee please arrange the discharge of ward no.005, yeah the formalities are done" he smiled at me before cutting off the call and we exchanged a handshake as I made my way out of the cabin.

You noticed Taehyung leaning over the wall as he came near you and immediately pecked your lips "I told some of my people to bring out suitcase over here" he stated as you both entwined your fingers moving toward Jae's ward

"That's good but what about your meetings and is mom and dad OK about it?" You asked as the thought of Felix and Jackson was tensing you up from hours "Dad only suggested me this idea and about my work I will just attend the important meetings online" You nodded as you looked at him who was already gazing at you and you were kind of taken back due to his intense stares

"What about my babies" you asked as you took off your gaze from him and moved further "Mom is handling them but they are missing you so much, I wanted them here too but if I had called them here, Mom and Dad must have followed them too and soon the jeon house would have turn into Kim" you laughed while unlocking the door and spotted Jungkook with Jae

You heard them talking but they halted when you burst into the room, Jungkook steadily turned back as his eyes landed on you and then at your fingers which were entwined with Taehyung in a possessive manner

You didn't notice Jungkook's gaze as your whole attention was on Jae but Taehyung's eyes kept on switching between jungkook and his grasp around you, Jungkook stood from his place as you abruptly went toward Jae but not on the spot where jungkook was sitting earlier, you went opposite of him with a smile dangling on your place, taehyung settled beside you as his right hand sneaked on your thighs and he forced a smile looking at jungkook when he noticed the guy standing in front of you both was already staring at you

Taehyung gently caressed your clothed thighs As you were wearing a simple white and lavender colored dress below your knees with a thick scarf around your neck to cover every mark gifted by Taehyung

You and Jae kept on talking as you were too used to Taehyung's hands on you randomly anywhere, Taehyung kept on glaring at jungkook until jungkook also presented a forced smile and mentally rolled his eyes at Taehyung

Taehyung hated every bit here with the guy in front of him as he was just ruining his family time with you as per him, his hands never left your warmth as in between he was also participating in the conversation of Jae and you but on the other side jungkook was just silently listening to everything carefully gazing between you and Jae time to time

Taehyung poked his inner cheek when he felt jungkook again digging holes in his hand which was on your thighs, taehyung looked over his grasp on you and a smirk took place over his face as he trailed his gaze from his hand to directly into Jungkook's eyes

They both were glaring at each other until Jungkook's breath got heavier and he poked his inner cheek but their eyes trailed toward you when you started giggling as Jae was groaning "Mom why would you do that? That's so embarrassing!! Jera literally got another medium to tease me now she already had a few embarrassing pictures of me with her and now this too" He asked as he broke down into laugh too seeing you laughing while holding your stomach

"You were looking too cute Jae, you had really long hair when you were a baby so I used to make ponies for you and you exactly looked like a girl so one day I dressed you in a pink frock with many flowers on it and trust me you were looking more cuter than girls that day" you let out again laughing as you pinched Jae's cheek and placed a peck on his bandaged forehead

Jae giggled as his hands tightly held your fingers entwined with his own as he smiled widely "Was I that cute as a baby?" He suddenly asked and you nodded with a smile, you looked in front of you and already saw jungkook staring at you but you flickered your gaze a few times when you noticed his small smile dangling on his face

You looked beside you and kind of was taken back when your eyes crashed with Taehyung as he was also already staring at you, you knitted your brows "What?" You asked with a confused smile dangling on your face, your fingers steadily traced across your face to know if something was on your face due to the weird expressions from your surrounding

"N-Nothing" he shuttered as his slender finger picked the few hair strands falling over your face to behind your ear and a red tint of shade crept upon his face

Jae bit on his bottom lip as he moved his gaze from jungkook to you and Taehyung, he gulped as the tension was visible in the room when his eyes fell on Jungkook's hands which were clutching over the blanket which was on the bed beside his legs

"Sir we have to return the payment" One of the nurses turned the knob coming inside with a iPad on his hands and you looked at him as you stood from your place and Taehyung gave jungkook a last glare before following you like a lost puppy, jungkook rolled his eyes as his eyes kept on looking at your and taehyung's direction even from the transparent wall of the room

"Umm that's Mr. Kim Taehyung Mom's Boyfriend and maybe fiance"

Love you all 💙💜

No POVs for Jungkook for now because there is so much more to his character which I can't reveal now as the story is going to get kind of dark also, so till then I will be a medium to showcase a few details about his thoughts and reactions and also Jae's character also holds huge importance In the story, you may not realize it now but soon will

His character is kind of inspired by a guy with whom I was in a relationship at the start of the previous year so you know some of the moments here between Jera and Jae shared with each other were real sometimes not everything is fiction as most of the feelings and scenarios are some real-life moments Of the author, it's hard to go back and grasp the wrinkled memories to write but then again That's what A author should do, convey the feelings in a way to the readers that they will be memorable forever

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